To put this in perspective I have recently cancelled my sub I have over 2000 hours in the game and have enjoyed many aspects of it the suggestions I am putting forward and motivated on feedback from others and my own experience I have had.
Firstly this game needs to decide what it wants to be is it the realistic Medieval sim many of the original backers including myself brought into and enjoyed in the early days, or is it simply zerg war bandit plague all new players until population drops? either is fine but decide which way and make sure the players know thats what you want.
My suggestion for this consists of multiple layers and can I repeat CAN be done on this engine, firstly a wipe will be needed including skill wipe what I say below will explain why.
Stage 1 - Green zone - remove it from the main world put the green zone into the "noob island" and let people pay for there land there and make money from cosmetics with people allowed free characters there but no free characters on the main world.
Stage 2 - Trade - this goes hand in hand with the wipe remove player owned tradeposts and instant transport before opening the world create tradeposts all over the map linked by a mod made road which cannot be edited by players - what this will do is bring another type of player into the game (traders real ones) people can make a living moving items from one market to another with buy orders on the markets etc - also a great pvp opportunity as anyone running a cart down there is a great target for real bandits. This will be the basis for a genuine supply and demand economy.
Stage 3 - All automatic producing buildings create something else to claim land I really dont care what but this auto creation of materials has been a plague on the world essentially removing the need for major PVE players in the game this is a catastrophic design a business flaw.
Step 4 - 2 tiered guild system this would make a huge difference to the game my suggestion here is anyone who can get 10 or more different accounts (on a seperate IP) can have a guild as we know them with no restrictions these guilds have the members and can build a castle and overlord there areas.
The second tier of this would be something similar to a farm stead so if you have 2 accounts (seperate IP) then you can make a farm stead with the main building being maybe a tiny house with limited building allowance on the fief they own so can only use wooden walls and can have houses and farmland etc basically they can create little towns and genuinly create things (also allows for fair raiding opportunities)
Step 5 (hand in hand with 4) is a new seperation of provinces once every 2 weeks maybe and different times each time a say stone circle will activate in the province it can be a fixed location or random the point being if a guild mans it and controls it for say 1 hour without loosing it they get control of the region (how big that region is could be up for debate) and they will recieve all taxes within those 2 weeks and also say some sort of local bonus to be decided what. (this will create some end game content which will allow average size guilds a chance in controlling some land and having a reason to fight in game, it could also be that the winning guild have the ability to raise taxes (which has potential if you have an enemy you dont like to create alot of content)
Step 6 - One way teleport to the main land if you leave the green zone there should be 0 transporting of goods between the green zone (island) and the main zone (guilds) this means the games economy is something players can really work on (also please note having 1 teleport code work once on a brand new character is fine but no more being able to teleport randomly every 2 days its abused to much and removes even more open world content.
Essentially most of your player base is leaving as end game content is non existant (and im sure I will get some hate from those still playing but open your eyes guys thousands have dropped it now) also there is no major need to craft and no fun trading opportunities there is also no major open world pvp play either except banditry which tbh isnt that interesting now players are dropping.
I dont expect any of this will be implemented but figured I would say my piece before I move on I do wish you all well and I will keep an eye on the game but after being around since alpha in your own I have decided this isnt for me until I see some genuine change.
o/ gl all