» 07 Oct 2014, 20:58
I'm having something of the same issue. However, even with the link provided, I haven't a clue on how to fix this...
I believe the table issue is at the start, but I posted the whole log anyway.
//-------------------------- 10/7/2014 -- 16:50:46 -----
ECHO 2014-10-07 16:50:46.051 {00} <NOSCOPE> --------- Loading DIRS ---------
ECHO 2014-10-07 16:50:46.057 {00} <NOSCOPE>
ECHO 2014-10-07 16:50:46.086 {01} <onStart>
--------- Initializing Directory: scripts ---------
ECHO 2014-10-07 16:50:46.097 {02} <initServer>
--------- Initializing LiF Server: Server Scripts ---------
ECHO 2014-10-07 16:50:46.200 {02} <initServer> Loading CmConfiguration
ECHO 2014-10-07 16:50:46.209 {02} <initServer> Init of DB interface
WARN 2014-10-07 16:50:46.322 {02} <initServer> DB::RS(55 ms) SHOW DATABASES LIKE 'lif_1';
WARN 2014-10-07 16:50:46.339 {02} <initServer> DB::noRS(1 ms) USE `lif_1`;
ERRR 2014-10-07 16:50:46.345 {02} <initServer> DB error #145: Table '.\mysql\proc' is marked as crashed and should be repaired. Query:
-- NOTE: do not use DELIMITER here
-- NOTE: do not use DEFINER for stored procedures and functions here
CREATE PROCEDURE _updateScript()
-- update objects_types names
update objects_types set Name = 'Shovel' where ID = 31;
update objects_types set Name = 'Hammer' where ID = 32;
update objects_types set Name = 'Hatchet' where ID = 34;
update objects_types set Name = 'Pickaxe' where ID = 35;
update objects_types set Name = 'Saw' where ID = 36;
update objects_types set Name = 'Small Wooden House' where ID = 146;
update objects_types set Name = 'Plaster House' where ID = 147;
update objects_types set Name = 'Knife' where ID = 216;
update objects_types set Name = 'Cooking pot' where ID = 220;
update objects_types set Name = 'Smelting tool' where ID = 462;
update objects_types set Name = 'Fishing pole' where ID = 619;
update objects_types set Name = 'Sickle' where ID = 1031;
update objects_types set Name = 'Small Plaster House' where ID = 1055;
-- update objects_types icons
update objects_types set FaceImage = 'art\\2D\\Items\\thick_hides.png' where ID = 473;
update objects_types set FaceImage = 'art\\2D\\Items\\snare_trap.png' where ID = 1082;
-- update objects_types weights
update objects_types set UnitWeight = 250 where ID = 1096;
-- update recipe skill level
update recipe set SkillLvl = 0 where ID = 188;
-- new recipe req
if(!exists(select * from recipe_requirement where ID = 2270)) then
^insert into recipe_requirement (`ID`, `RecipeID`, `MaterialObjectTypeID`, `Quality`, `Influence`, `Quantity`) values
^^(2270, 128, 233, 0, 5, 1);
end if;
-- buildings are now claimed for 24 hours instead of 12
update `objects_types` set `OwnerTimeout`=86400 where `ID` in
-- delete all duplicated loot from animal_drop_items
delete from animal_drop_items;
update objects_types set `Length` = 6 where ID in (116, 118, 123);
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Items\\bear_hide.png' where ID = 426;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Items\\wolf_hide.png' where ID = 428;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Items\\boar_hide.png' where ID = 429;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Objects\\weapon_rack.png' where ID = 99;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Objects\\armor_stand.png' where ID = 100;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Items\\horn.png' where ID = 344;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Items\\tusk.png' where ID = 345;
update recipe set `Name` = 'Light Scale Greaves' where ID = 530;
-- -- Fixed Steel Lump recipe that allowed to dupe the
update recipe_requirement set MaterialObjectTypeID = 407 where ID = 2172;
END; /* end of _updateScript */
call _updateScript();
DROP PROCEDURE _updateScript;
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `p_allocate_character_wounds`;
CREATE PROCEDURE `p_allocate_character_wounds`(
^insert ignore character_wounds (CharacterID, BodyPart, WoundType)
^^select in_charID, t.BodyPart, t.WoundType
^^from (
^^^select 0 as BodyPart, 0 as WoundType union all
^^^select 0, 1 union all
^^^select 0, 2 union all
^^^select 0, 3 union all
^^^select 0, 5 union all
^^^select 1, 0 union all
^^^select 1, 1 union all
^^^select 1, 2 union all
^^^select 1, 3 union all
^^^select 1, 5 union all
^^^select 2, 0 union all
^^^select 2, 1 union all
^^^select 2, 2 union all
^^^select 2, 3 union all
^^^select 2, 5 union all
^^^select 3, 0 union all
^^^select 3, 1 union all
^^^select 3, 2 uni
WARN 2014-10-07 16:50:46.364 {02} <initServer> DB::mNoRS(23 ms)
-- NOTE: do not use DELIMITER here
-- NOTE: do not use DEFINER for stored procedures and functions here
CREATE PROCEDURE _updateScript()
-- update objects_types names
update objects_types set Name = 'Shovel' where ID = 31;
update objects_types set Name = 'Hammer' where ID = 32;
update objects_types set Name = 'Hatchet' where ID = 34;
update objects_types set Name = 'Pickaxe' where ID = 35;
update objects_types set Name = 'Saw' where ID = 36;
update objects_types set Name = 'Small Wooden House' where ID = 146;
update objects_types set Name = 'Plaster House' where ID = 147;
update objects_types set Name = 'Knife' where ID = 216;
update objects_types set Name = 'Cooking pot' where ID = 220;
update objects_types set Name = 'Smelting tool' where ID = 462;
update objects_types set Name = 'Fishing pole' where ID = 619;
update objects_types set Name = 'Sickle' where ID = 1031;
update objects_types set Name = 'Small Plaster House' where ID = 1055;
-- update objects_types icons
update objects_types set FaceImage = 'art\\2D\\Items\\thick_hides.png' where ID = 473;
update objects_types set FaceImage = 'art\\2D\\Items\\snare_trap.png' where ID = 1082;
-- update objects_types weights
update objects_types set UnitWeight = 250 where ID = 1096;
-- update recipe skill level
update recipe set SkillLvl = 0 where ID = 188;
-- new recipe req
if(!exists(select * from recipe_requirement where ID = 2270)) then
^insert into recipe_requirement (`ID`, `RecipeID`, `MaterialObjectTypeID`, `Quality`, `Influence`, `Quantity`) values
^^(2270, 128, 233, 0, 5, 1);
end if;
-- buildings are now claimed for 24 hours instead of 12
update `objects_types` set `OwnerTimeout`=86400 where `ID` in
-- delete all duplicated loot from animal_drop_items
delete from animal_drop_items;
update objects_types set `Length` = 6 where ID in (116, 118, 123);
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Items\\bear_hide.png' where ID = 426;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Items\\wolf_hide.png' where ID = 428;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Items\\boar_hide.png' where ID = 429;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Objects\\weapon_rack.png' where ID = 99;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Objects\\armor_stand.png' where ID = 100;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Items\\horn.png' where ID = 344;
update objects_types set `FaceImage` = 'art\\2D\\Items\\tusk.png' where ID = 345;
update recipe set `Name` = 'Light Scale Greaves' where ID = 530;
-- -- Fixed Steel Lump recipe that allowed to dupe the
update recipe_requirement set MaterialObjectTypeID = 407 where ID = 2172;
END; /* end of _updateScript */
call _updateScript();
DROP PROCEDURE _updateScript;
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `p_allocate_character_wounds`;
CREATE PROCEDURE `p_allocate_character_wounds`(
^insert ignore character_wounds (CharacterID, BodyPart, WoundType)
^^select in_charID, t.BodyPart, t.WoundType
^^from (
^^^select 0 as BodyPart, 0 as WoundType union all
^^^select 0, 1 union all
^^^select 0, 2 union all
^^^select 0, 3 union all
^^^select 0, 5 union all
^^^select 1, 0 union all
^^^select 1, 1 union all
^^^select 1, 2 union all
^^^select 1, 3 union all
^^^select 1, 5 union all
^^^select 2, 0 union all
^^^select 2, 1 union all
^^^select 2, 2 union all
^^^select 2, 3 union all
^^^select 2, 5 union all
^^^select 3, 0 union all
^^^select 3, 1 union all
^^^select 3, 2 union all
^^^select 3, 3 union all
^^^select 3, 5 union all
^^^select 4, 0 union all
^^^select 4, 1 union all
^^^select 4, 2 union all
^^^select 4, 3 union all
^^^select 4, 5 union all
^^^select 5, 0 union all
^^^select 5, 1 union all
^^^select 5, 2 union all
^^^select 5, 3 union all
^^^select 5, 5 union all
^^^select 6, 0
^^) as t;
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `p_completeBuilding`;
CREATE PROCEDURE `p_completeBuilding`(
^IN `in_isMovable` TINYINT UNSIGNED,
^IN `in_objectID` INT UNSIGNED,
^IN `in_conteinerID` INT UNSIGNED,
^declare is_container, type_id, new_container_id INT UNSIGNED default NULL;
^declare container_name varchar(45) default NULL;
^if(in_isMovable = 1) then
^^SELECT ObjectTypeID FROM movable_objects WHERE ID = in_objectID LIMIT 1 INTO type_id FOR UPDATE;
^^SELECT ObjectTypeID FROM unmovable_objects WHERE ID = in_objectID LIMIT 1 INTO type_id FOR UPDATE;
^end if;
^SELECT IsContainer, Name FROM objects_types WHERE ID = type_id LIMIT 1 INTO is_container, container_name;
^if(is_container > 0) then
^^SET new_container_id = f_createRootContainer(container_name);
^end if;
^if(in_isMovable = 1) then
^^UPDATE movable_objects SET
^^^IsComplete =1,
^^^RootContainerID = new_container_id,
^^^Durability =in_Durability,
^^^CreatedDurability =in_Durability
^^WHERE ID = in_objectID;
^^UPDATE unmovable_objects SET
^^^IsComplete =1,
^^^RootContainerID = new_container_id,
^^^Durability =in_Durability,
^^^CreatedDurability =in_Durability
^^WHERE ID = in_objectID;
^end if;
^CALL f_deleteContainer(in_conteinerID);
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `f_insertNewItemInventory`;
CREATE FUNCTION `f_insertNewItemInventory`(`ContainerID` INT UNSIGNED, `ItemTypeID` INT UNSIGNED, `Quality` TINYINT UNSIGNED, `Quantity` INT UNSIGNED, `CreatedDurability` SMALLINT UNSIGNED, `Durability` SMALLINT UNSIGNED, `pFeatureText` VARCHAR(255), `pEffect1ID` TINYINT, `pEffect1Magnitude` SMALLINT, `pEffect2ID` TINYINT, `pEffect2Magnitude`