These are some suggestions, hope to be good. Order is not important
1. When you are levling down a skill to increase some other up, the exp that a higher skill gives more exp on the lower.
Example, if i m getting down "mainteniance" to lvl up the nature lore skill i get more faster in the gain skill.
2. Teleports / transportations. Add some points arround the world. Not a lot, just 4 or 5.
3. Reduce the stat loss on attacting / die / becoming criminal.
Even in RP you must can be a criminal, i like to have a criminal char in all games, just for fun, in RP its fun to be a murder or whatever.
4. Balance the attack stat loss depends on senioity, if a master of any weapon kills a newbie, newbie must not lose allignement or stats.. or must loss a minor portion
5. Chance to select what kind of resource i m looking for when i search for herbs / plant fiber / others gathering.
a) Let us select what kind of animal are we looking for, when you reach 90 or 100 let me choose what animal, not only pacific or agro, let me choose what animal...
b) Add human track!! i wish to know who was here, o where did he/she went recently
this will be crazy if you are hunting criminal.
c) tracking human let us know if he/she is murder or not and some more info.
7) see others equipement.
items descriptions / stats in our inventory.
9) destroy items in our inventory. i cant drop a believer item and i wont use it till it desapeared...
i ll come back...