Some Ideas

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Joined: 16 Jan 2018, 12:55

Some Ideas

Post by Richard.sanford » 12 Feb 2018, 14:26

Some Ideas:

Take the destroy command away from the context menus, when on any claim.

I would suggest using an hammer(tool). Make the hammer a shade of red, so that it stands out. When using the hammer, you would have two menu items. The first menu option would to deconstruct. Depending on the item, I think anything in the constuction tree, would be good. When deconstructing, there would be a chance to get resources back. Which would be based upon the characer construction skill.

The second menu would be the destroy command.

The next item is for miners. Have the ability to create a mine entrance. This item would provide a simple door that could be used to protect mine entrance, This blueprint can be found in simple construction. I would suggest 6 hardwood board, 40 nails, 6 logs, and a door module. This could be constructed at the mine entrance. use the same rule set that re-enforce walls use.

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