Without darkness light has no meaning.
The righteous have no scapegoats without evil
Some call us evil, I prefer the term chaotic
We are iron forged in need, and used rashly
We are the blood spilled of the innocent by those whom make no shadows
We are the darkness made by light
We are one and we are many
We go by many names
Bandits, rebels, mercenaries, dogs, ronin,
We are however ultimately one thing
We are the Black Ravens here to quell this worlds thirst for war.
Hi I'm that guy you all hate who comes and kills you for no real reason.
Actually I have a reason, you see I'm a "bad guy" because being a good guy with no bad guys to fight is really boring.
I'm here to hopefully gather a group of people who fell the same to make a nomadic band of mercenary bandits.
Come sign up here if your interested!