Two Handed Swords

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Joined: 19 Sep 2014, 18:51

Two Handed Swords

Post by Putzin » 29 Sep 2014, 23:00

Three different 2h Swords, I know the Zweihaender is the Heaviest(1.8 Stones) while the Flamberge and Claymore are the same weight at 1.5 Stones and all same length according to the Wiki.
Which one deals the most damage and is the weight/length accurate?

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Joined: 26 Sep 2014, 20:27

Re: Two Handed Swords

Post by CirqueDuSolaire » 29 Sep 2014, 23:14

As they say on the wiki, damage is calculated by 'force = weight x acceleration'. What that means is that not only will the weight of the weapon play an important role in doing damage, but also where you hit them with your weapon. I.E. if you hit them right at the hilt, you'll do just about nothing for damage because the acceleration closest to your hands is the slowest, but if you hit them at the tip of the sword in full swing, you'll smoke them for huge amounts of damage. But of course, I'm guessing that the heavier the weapon is, the harder it will be to swing it with low skills and abilities, so your characters skill will also play into how much damage you do.

If you don't want to read all that mumbo jumbo, longer weapons that weight more swinging faster do more damage.

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