Slave system?

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Posts: 32
Joined: 21 Dec 2014, 01:21

Slave system?

Post by RMM1812 » 21 Dec 2014, 02:08

Although i think i can manage doing this by myself (if i grow powerful enough in the MMO), i think some slave capturing system could be made (not a priority though). I have come up with a few ideas to influence the gameplay of regular MMO players based on a discussion i once had in this game.

Most MMO players, whenever they encounter another, either kill them or run/hide. In LIF if the clan/kingdom/khanate/tribe/nation/whatever is full and find another player who ain't from a group they will kill him/her. Instead of killing someone who is alone and probably doesnt have anything, they should offer the person the chance to join their clan or make them a slave. This could also be done to someone who IS in another clan, stealing that persom from their previous clan and harming relations. If you don't want to be a slave nor be forced into a group, you will most likely be killed for your loot though. In that case, you can restart the game and wish to be more lucky.

In the 25k MMO some players will have more luck than others at finding resources, evolving and having small groups but while they have progressed, some other players would only have just started and be alone, ready to join your group, by force or not (they have no choice). This will eventually stop the usual annoying pattern of not being able to trust anyone and not evolving into a big society (because eveyone kills eveyone for their own benefit of a short period of time, instead of taking the long run benefit). This game MAKES people work together, different from Rust. What made Rust bad was the inability to work together and therefore having to be a part of the kill or be killed system, explained before.

Posts: 128
Joined: 24 Oct 2014, 15:20

Re: Slave system?

Post by Arel37 » 23 Dec 2014, 19:13

slave can flee or just tp to home

Posts: 10
Joined: 23 Dec 2014, 00:09

Re: Slave system?

Post by Kotoroshinoto » 23 Dec 2014, 20:05

the whole point of the system is provide ways to prevent them from doing that, obviously

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