Launcher "Downloading Game Data"

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True Believer
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Joined: 27 Dec 2016, 18:32

Launcher "Downloading Game Data"

Post by Michaelnorcott » 27 Dec 2016, 21:31


I've tried the game twice and both times its crashed. When i re-open the launcher the game "downloads game data" and the percentage jumps about going from 11.56 to 11.78 and back down etc.

Ive tried totally deleting the game and reinstalling which it did fine until it crashed again and now its doing the same thing.

Ive tried enabling and removing peer to peer.
ive tried re-installing
tried disabling my antivirus (forticlient)
the game downloads fine from scratch its just this weird update its trying to do. (twice now)

Its making the game unplayable, . Which i dont want to do because i like the look of the game.

True Believer
Posts: 222
Joined: 15 Dec 2016, 14:38

Re: Launcher "Downloading Game Data"

Post by Linbaba » 27 Dec 2016, 21:57

I'm anything but an expert however I do believe I must have crashed a good hundred times or more since beta started.

So, call me a "Crash Veteran" ! :)

I was wondering, at what point did your game crash and under what conditions?

Or was it before the game even loaded?

True Believer
Posts: 5
Joined: 27 Dec 2016, 18:32

Re: Launcher "Downloading Game Data"

Post by Michaelnorcott » 27 Dec 2016, 22:03

it crashed first time due to graphics but i set them to medium and my PC is quite good never had those problems before.

second time i got in and everything looked good but i couldnt mive at all, even after pressing tab i could just look around

but its just unplayable cos of the "update" its trying to do

True Believer
Posts: 222
Joined: 15 Dec 2016, 14:38

Re: Launcher "Downloading Game Data"

Post by Linbaba » 27 Dec 2016, 22:20

Michaelnorcott wrote:
but its just unplayable cos of the "update" its trying to do

that update happens to everyone, everywhere, every time, it's normal and only happens before the game launches so wouldn't affect your gameplay anyway...

part from that, best advice I can give you is to make sure V-Sync is on so your card doesn't overheat and play around with the settings including resolution and view mode (full screen is usually more stable than windowed bit more prone to crashing during alt tab).

if it's a rendering thing, then probably lower the view distance and shadow settings.

Finally, I found that the more distance I put between the starter zone and me, the less I crashed.

They haven't finished stabilising the game, but it's already better than last week.

True Believer
Posts: 5
Joined: 27 Dec 2016, 18:32

Re: Launcher "Downloading Game Data"

Post by Michaelnorcott » 27 Dec 2016, 23:42

yeah, i wouldnt mind updates if they actually installed though, ive not been able to play because the update just jumps up and down with the percentages 64,63,64,63,65 then freezes and i have to reinstall the whole game to get it to work, but then when i relaunch it i get the impossible update.

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