» 12 Apr 2017, 08:59
Yesterday I tested all weapons (except pikes) and want to show you the result of my test. On the end of the post i will rank only the good weapons and will tell the reason.
- I used weapon quality 80 (realistc quality in MMO)
- The target was a naked man in warstance (hittet the hands) damage modifier 1.00
- thrust attacks with 7 speed modifier while running on the standing targed
- swing attacks from the right and left side and took hightest hit
- [-] means doesnt testet because of time waste
- speed modifier is the attack speed of the weapons
- !!Consider, this is only the raw damage without any buffs and armors. Every armor has different ressistance and will effect the result strongly!!
i will color the weapon damage typ by this
-speed modifier from swing Attack
[2H Weapons] [thrust Attack] [swing Attack] [speed modifier]
Claymore 27 54 33
Zweihaender 20 59 30
Flamberg 20 56 26
Estoc 31 27 37
Broad axe - 53 35
Bardiche - 48 39
Maul - 62 27
Sledge hammer - 52 27
[Spear and Polearm] [thrust Attack] [swing Attack] [speed modifier]
Bec de corbin 26 40 30
Awl pike 40 -
Boar spear 39 -
Spear 36 -
War scythe 13 39
Pollaxe 27 48 40
Partisan 31 51 46
Glaive 20 54 33
Guisarme 30 34 32
[1H Weapons] [thrust Attack] [swing Attack] [speed modifier]
Gross messer 14 48 49
Nordic sword 17 34 41
Light sabre 10 39 54
Scimitar 9 39 41
Falchion 8 39 38
Nordic axe 9 27 37
Battle axe - 31 28
War axe - 29 26
Morning star - 39 29
War pick - 34 39
Flanged mace - 28 41
Cudgel - 27
[1,5 Weapons with Shield] [thrust Attack] [swing Attack] [speed modifier]
Big falchion 13 56 45
Bastard sword 26 54 54
Knight sword 17 44 49
Ranking of the weapons
hybrid= easy to use with other builds or to combine
cost = crafting costs
high range > good range
hitbox = facehugging not possible
slash damage = good against light equiped
piercing damage = very hard to mitigate
chopping damage = hard to mitigate
weight = strength requirement, constitution, broken bones does/does not effect
fracture = chance to break bones
!..! = very strong
!!...!! = overpowered
G = God tier
S+ = completly broken
S = broken
A+ = very strong
A = strong
F = Trash
S+ Boarspear (with shield) =!cavalary!, cost, !high range!, !hitbox!, !piercing damage!, weight, !attack speed!, !!thrusting attacks can not be parried!!(90), shields, cavalary
S+ Boarspear only = !cavalary!, polearms, cost, !high range!, !hitbox!, !piercing damage!, weight, !attack speed!, !!thrusting attacks can not be parried!! (90), Partisan can be equipped, shields,archer
S Awl pike = same as Boarspear (worse hitbox)
S Spear = same as boar spear but fewer damage (worse hitbox)
S Gross messer (with shield)= cavalary, poison, cost, !high range!(same as Broad axe), !hitbox!, thrust damage, !!slash damage!! (like a 2H weapon), weight, !!attack speed!!, scale armor , cavalary
S Gross messer only = cavalary, poison,cost, !high range!(same as Broad axe), !hitbox!, thrust damage, !!slash damage!! (like a 2H weapon), weight, !!attack speed!!, combo, scale armor , cavalary, archer
A+ War pick (with shield) = cost, good range, !piercing damage!, weight, attack speed, scale armor, cavalary
A+ Bastard sword (with shield) = cavalary, cost, high range, hitbox, !slash damage!, weight, attack speed, cavalary build, chain armor, cavalary
A+ Big falchion (with shield) = cavalary, cost, high range, hitbox, !slash damage!, weight, attack speed, cavalary build, chain armor, cavalary
A+ Bardiche = high range, !chopping damage!, war cries build, plate armor, cavalary, archer, weight
A Broad axe = high range, !chopping damage!, war cries build, plate armor, cost, cavalary, archer, weight
A Claymore = cost, high range, slash damage, war cries build, plate armor ,cavlary, archer, weight
A Zweihaender = same as Claymore
A Glaive = cost, cavalary counter, high range, slash damage,archer, piercing damage,weight
A Partisan = cost, cavalary counter, high range, piercing and slash damage,archer, weight
A Pollaxe = cost, cavalary counter, high range, chopping damage, archer, weight
A Bec de corbin = cost, high range, !piercing damage!, attack speed, !!thrust can not be blocked!!, cavalary, archer
B Estoc
F = Morning star
F = War scythe
F = Nordic sword
F = Nordic axe
F = Battle axe
F = War axe
F = Flanged mace
F = Cudgel
F = Flamberg
F = Maul
F = Sledge hammer
F = Scimitar
F = Falchion
F = Knight sword
Last edited by
Camil199197 on 23 Jan 2018, 17:01, edited 13 times in total.