Big Collection of suggestions

Have a suggestion or an idea for Life is Feudal: Forest Village? Post it here!

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Joined: 08 Jan 2017, 13:18

Big Collection of suggestions

Post by Troof » 09 Jan 2017, 09:50

So i use this thread to collect my personal thoughts and suggestions that came to mind while playing. They are not ordered specifically.

My system:
- i5 760 4ghz
- 16gb ram
- GTX 760 OCed

My Savegame with 400-500 Villagers:


- Not sure if i am the only one who does it. I feel when i completely reset my workers and distribute the important ones first, they get the best connections to homes, which enhances the efficiency, could be a placebo and the game does it automatically, but a few tests show that sometimes the 'clostest home' thing doesn't always work. For instance i always put my farmers first in spring, so harvest goes as smooth as possible.
Therefore a button to reset all workers and a button to reset each worker class individually would be fantastic.

- Let Villagers have one small snack in the field, before they have to head home to eat.

- Sounds go mute too soon when you zoom out, woodcutting sounds however are apparently heard anywhere with the full volume.

- In general there is a lack of sound effects, the tornado for instance needs one.

- Alchohol along with herbs become a more important item.

- Obvious one, please don't forget to disable the Christmas hats, they are fancy but kiiiinda out of place. Why you haven't made them optional to begin with?

- Let us build roads diagonally, if you wanna be luxuary you can add antialiasing and give additional textures to the sorrounding tiles so the stair effect isn't so harsh.

- Simple free fly mode for the camera with adjustable speed. In Cities Skylines the cam mod uses TAB key, which is not used by the game right now. movement is WASD, shift lowers cam, space lifts cam, FOV settings in options, etc. all the good stuff to make the cam joy to use and observ the game.
-> keybind for disabling all interface and just have a clean picture, good for screenshots or videos

- Modify the villager's clothing/tool symbol so it's visible on one glance what quality is worn. Like an outline, or something which fits the interface style.

- Savegame names are just weird codes, make it so we can name savegames and the file is labled that way too, so we can find it easier when making backups.

- Blacksmith has no smoking chimney

- The Horn to make villagers faster is extremely useful, almost a cheat, but also tedious to use. I could scum it and activate it whenever it's ready, but that is very stressful. It's basically a cheat, but so tedious to use that you avoid it anyways. Quite peculiar

- Hostel upgrade should give +8 instead of +4, in general it feels like upgrades are simply too expensive to be worthwhile even if you are rich, ressources are used better elsewhere.

- Add fresh water as ressource, so the well has other uses that being for cattle, bread and killing fires. It would be a basic need like any other food. No water means death. There is a water check whenever the villager goes eating, being without water makes them first unhappy, then very unhappy and then they die.

Or make it behave like in the bakery for instance, the water is still and invisible ressource, but it has to be stocked in houses every now and then. It should be very easy to be fully stocked at all times, but you have to provide the water.

- Option to scale interface, disable interface, screenshot mode, etc. make it adjustable and dissapear on demand.

- Villager now have food additions like herbs or any other buffing produce like herbalist soups and potions(see below under Herbalist hut/Herbs).
Each time they eat they will add a buffing item, which gives them a positive buff to make them work more efficiently. They get those items by themselves from barns.

- Destroying Buildings apparently doesn't give you any materials back, don't punish us so hard give us back like neglectable 10-20% and it's good.

- Activiting the Horn in First person sometimes kills the task of the villager, just turns around and goes into another direction. Looks unintended.

Ressource Management:

- Make some kind of chart which shows where my items are exactly. Though I feel that's part of the challenge to look through the mess you create yourself, but still i often find myself endlessly searching where those 300 additional hides are hiding. Like when you click a ressource once you get a small chart where you can select all the Storehouses, so it would be much easier to find that lost stack of goods which was gathered in Warehouse you forgot about.

- The double clicking for disabling goods works for each Storehouse individually aswell.


- Game becomes unresponsive when overloaded, means no button presses are registered. If it doesn't crash, the only solution is to lag down the mouse cursor to the pause button and press it. The game should have some kind of overheat detection, so the PC doesn't even reach this lag limbo.

- Tornados sometimes put the game into lag limbo with huge delay, more or less crash, when it hits certain buildings. Haven't figured out why this happens out of the blue.

- Road building causes severe lag, especially in big Towns.

- Forest Village is the -only- game which manages to blue screen my machine with 'IRQL-NOT-LESS-OR-EQUAL' several times now. Not sure why it does that, but it seems some calculations are too intense o
- Adding farmers to fields in negative temperatures seems to create and endless cycle of lag as they repeatedly attempt to grow, but that's not possible.

- Setting to gather ressources like wood, while all my jobs are set creates big amounts of lag. Seems like jobs and ressource gathering in a 400 people town is not good.

- Force Pause the game during autosave, if you fast forward during save it creates an incredible amount of lag on my machine

- The game has some serious lags when fast forwarding when you have a complicated worker distribution.

-- Pause button spacebar does not react when the game hangs in it's lag limbo. Make it so space always pauses the game despite the lag. Right now i have to lag down my mouse cursor and estimate when it hits the pause button and then press it to stop the madness and avoid a crash. Fast forwarding x10 sometimes creates a delay of 10(!) seconds, but it doesn't crash surprisingly. It's like the game stacks it all up and completely chokes on it.

Caravan Stables:
- Thing feels wonky, sometimes there is a way too long delay until it starts delivering which feels like an eternity. I would make a fixed pause between routes. Add an animation where the Caravaner feeds and gives the donkey water, when finished the donkey is ready for action and can start delivering if Caravaner is present.

- Make active paths visible with a line between the warehouse/barn and the stables.

-> Donkey farm:
-Needs 2 Donkeys, creates new Donkey in exactly one year period.
-Takes low grass, oats and water supply. easy to maintain just takes 'long' to create a new donkey.
-CAN be killed by wild animals, so protect them!

This would be an item which can be built when everything else is settled and routine.

- Let us adjust how many units we want to ship. When you forget about it while fast forwarding they just ship everything, which is not always wanted.

- Donkeys move alot faster.

- They have a cart now, via upgrade or just like that, so they can carry more units and maybe multiple sorts of goods, making them more worthwhile and even more unique to the common Villager carrier. With this the speed could stay the same, as tradeoff.

Or better yet, cart is optional.
->With cart more units, slow speed
->Without cart, fast speed (like with permanent bell)1

First Person View:
- You move slightly faster when possessing a villager

- The horn effect should last longer.

- If we possess any worker we can always do their work, possess a herdsman, you are allowed to kill animals. Possess a baker, you can bake bread, etc.

- Not sure where the skills of the villagers are in developement atm, it feels like an experiment, which is meant for occasional use when you go explore in first person and not all the time. That's very stressfull switching back and forth between eagleview and first person.

Here you could give Villagers a status above Educated, which i call here 'Leader', this type of Villager uses it's skills on his own on a regular basis. Villager who are educated and become a certain age, let's say 30, they have a chance to become a leader.

There could be different types of leaders.

-Overseer: Uses the bell often so people work faster and more efficient.
-Bard: Uses the dance thing if there are people in a bad mood
- Haven't figured out what the bow does
- Treehugger: Plants a tree every now and then, just like forester, but everywhere.


- I would love to have a map with a mountain range as barrier. Anno 2205 has excellent mountainranges, if you want inspiration. Just something that doesn't feels like a lonely island trueman show, that you feel connected to the sorrounding land.

There could be passages open so there is room to add other factions or traders, etc.

Mountains could have caves where you can make expeditions.

More random landmarks like ruins, or destroyed cross roads town which can be just left alone or be salvaged for buildingmaterials.

- Hunters now have bows to hunts, increasing their efficiency
- Hunting cabin's have slightly higher radius
- Make animals drop more hides. Not sure how rare you wanna make warm clothes, but hides are tough to manage in a big town with like 400 people.

--- Market. Same as Banished, collects surrounding goods and centers them. Since the dawn of time people seek company and what better place as a market to get the latest gossip.
Should be quite large, but not too large so you have to massacre the nice landscape with terraforming.

--- More variations of houses, gridsize and looks

Forge: A bigger version of the Blacksmith, with more smoke coming out of chimneys.

--- Shoes/boots workshop. Similar function to Weaver, just that boots increase movement speed, so you can't miss out on it. Building expensive to build, boots take long to create.

--- Hunting hut, a bigger version of the hunting cabin.
->Has 50% higher radius or a new more sohisticated function: you can adjust the circle in any direction, with the only condition that the ring has to touch the cabin.
->houses one more hunter. Looks visually better than those primitive huts
-> You can set ONE bait beacon, which increases animal spawnrate by a set amount if it is placed in a forested area. It does nothing when there are no trees. Takes moderately long to build but requires little ressources, like 10 wood/stone/type of bait

Additions could be more bait types to attract different animals. Meat would attract wolves, vegetables would attract deer and fruits bears for instance.

--- Distillery: Creates alcohol more efficiently than Tavern. Can use various fruits vegeteables- Deliveres directly to Tavern if closer than a barn.

Decorative items:
- Statue seems to be a placeholder, needs a more dirty and rough look, so it doesn't shine like a bright star.
- Benches: People can rest a little bit
- Fireplace: Small fireplace that warms for a short amount of time, expires after being ignited. Needs to be cleaned
- Decorative flowerbeds
- Torches
- Crates: Various types to have more variety. Acts as barn, or warehousewa
- Leather skin rack. Maybe Increases efficiency of hunters slightly, moves faster gets more hides per haul
- Toilet, made out of wood with heart cut out on top, classic,
- Fishrack, increases efficiency of fisher huts nearby
- Rack of wood, can be dismantled for the full amount of wood.
- Stonealtar
- Bulletin board

Coop/Pasture management:
- Add a bar we can adjust how many animals are slaughtered (like in Banished..)
- All coops/pastures start with 2 instead of 1 animal, at a certain size. Add indicator for that.
You could also make it so that coop still have 1 animals but get more the bigger you build it, for instance the biggest choice would have 6 chicken/3 sheep/ 3 cows/ 3 pigs, along those lines. Just to speed things up a little bit.
The reason for this is to discourage the coop/pasture scumming, by spamming the smallest ones to get one animal for 20 wood and a little building time, make the start less tedious and give them a boost to growrate until 2-3 more animals are born, then it goes back to normal.

- Cows give hide when killed
- Cows have slightly faster growth rate

Pasture hut are kinda small, would look neat with a nice building attached to it, instead of that very small food shelter.

Weaver's workshop:
- Can now produce 'wool vest'
It's an alternative to the warm clothing, not as warm, and it has even lower durability that the normal clothes as tradeoff and cost like 20wool/20flax a piece.

Herbalist hut: can be upgraded now
Gets two slots and now herbalists also have a labratory where they can cook various soups to buff the settlers. Having 2 slots filled means that herbs can be gathered and someones cooking at the same time as cooking is a slow process, slower than making pies.
It should have a 2 buttons similar to the forester lodge where you have plant/chop, the herbalist would have gather/cook. If one workers is present and both options are ticked, tasks will be cycled same as forester.

New herbalist items:
- Mushrooms: not very common, Very low sustenance 3kcal, but valueable to the herbalist.

- 'Mushroom Soup' from the herbalist hut. Increases resilience to all negative influences, cold, hunger, etc. It should be a small increase like 15%. Low sustenence.

- 'Potion'
A huge chunks of herbs is processed in a secret procedure only known to herbalists to create a very strong concentrate. This lets people temporarely carry more units

You could add even more here, to add variety.

------ Herbs:
Should be more valueable and used up faster, right now i have to collect herbs for the first 2 years and then i have enough for all eternity. Herbs should be part of the daily diet for everyone, or otherwise they go sick faster, get tired faster etc.

Villager can now add herbs to their food supply and work more efficiently when they consume their food with herbs. Each time they eat they add herbs, when stocked in their house. Only 1-2 herbs are taken each time while eating, so the supply should last a bit.

------>Optional: There should be a plateau where the are at 100% efficiency, consuming herbs with food increases that efficiency by 5-10%, being depraved of herbs reduces productivty again. This should be a small change for a single villager, but noticable with lots of villagers.

Tavern: can be upgraded now

Now offers a unique spicy meat feast which uses up meat, herbs, bread and vegetables, it let's people do things 10% faster for a while, and/or any other useful temprary buff.

Tavern gets also two slots for workers and 2 buttons for alcohol/food supply. So you can vary and be more flexible, just like the bakery.

I really missed an edible choice in the tavern, the idea might sound too fancy, but imo it would fit.

- add soundeffect of nice tavern ambience, if you get close.

- People who visit in winter also get warm, either without firefood. Or make Taverns stock firewood/coal aswell.
Last edited by Troof on 17 Jan 2017, 13:35, edited 43 times in total.

Posts: 35
Joined: 16 Dec 2016, 16:40

Re: Big Collection of suggestions

Post by Darkiger » 09 Jan 2017, 14:30

Great suggestions ! :Bravo:

Posts: 11
Joined: 05 Dec 2016, 07:55

Re: Big Collection of suggestions

Post by Pbox » 10 Jan 2017, 13:29

Troof wrote:- Obvious one, please don't forget to disable the Christmas hats, they are fancy but kiiiinda out of place.

There is a mod for that.

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