Black Sword Company - Genesis Server

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

Zealous Believer
Posts: 12
Joined: 16 Feb 2017, 14:43

Black Sword Company - Genesis Server

Post by Simonjones85 » 11 May 2017, 11:17

Hello, we are an order of Mercenaries, Bandits and general undesirables We have walls, weapons and horses. Hell we could kit out an army!
We are hired by the Christians or the Vikings on our server depending on who pays us the most to fight for them and how much.
We are rather unique in the fact that our Guild sells our services to the highest bidder. We offer Assassinations, Defence/ Attack sort Land Disputes, all with a sharp sword. We are the true army for sale.

Unfortunately Business has been a bit slow recently, and we seem to be veering more towards Banditry than actual Mercenary work. This is great however, it seems some gobby peasants have decided to work together and decide they can stand up to us.

We now seem to spend most of our time in full combat, defending our walls. Yesterday, we have 4 other guilds collectively trying to defeat us. We have absolutely no issue being at war with lots of people however, we could use some more numbers. We are about 8 heavily active, 3 or 4 casual's. Decent numbers, we can kit everyone out too. However. 8 is not enough to fight a ream and put a peasant uprising back in their place. Yesterday, the King of the Land even decided to defend his peasants.

I am calling to Bandits/ Mercenaries and general bad people to come and fight/ raid/ be bad with us. There is fighting to be had with the Black Sword Company all day everyday if you want it This isn't a full blown PVP server, it is a RP PVP server. This means unless we are formally at war with Guilds (I think we are with 6 or 7 at the moment) Then you are safe. Nighttime is KOS which is run, that is when we go mental raiding everywhere.

We have some good guys and girls, all use Discord. We are also mature players. If you are a care bear, our Guild won't work. We also need crafters who are not bothered about combat.

This will be a good move for someone who wants to be the baddy on their current server. Also if your server is going stagnant then look at Genesis. Our server is thriving and has a lot of players.

If you want to chat, add me on steam. Steam name - Planetgen

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