(BUG) Padded armor vambraces arms weigh more than intended

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(BUG) Padded armor vambraces arms weigh more than intended

Post by Some_Jerk » 29 Feb 2016, 19:38

Just pointing out that cloth/padded arm pieces (vambraces) appear to weigh 2x more than they should be. Every piece of cloth armor except for arms weigh less than their leather counterparts, but, whereas novice leather vambraces weigh 0.9 stone, the cloth ones weigh 1.2. according to the wiki, this is supposed to be 0.6. Regular are 1.8, and heavy, 2.4 stone. These are all double the values they are supposed to be at according to the wiki, which in this case I believe is correct.

Edit: appears that padded boots and gloves also have more weight. So this armor type is all over the place, lightest torso armor yet very heavy arms...

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