[US][PVP!] Creating a new small-scale PVP clan

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Zealous Believer
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[US][PVP!] Creating a new small-scale PVP clan

Post by Knar » 13 Dec 2016, 05:57


I am a long time vet of LIF:YO, and I recently checked back on the status of the MMO and saw that closed beta was coming soon. I lost contact with my old YO groups, and after looking through the forums I realized I will need to create a new clan to suit my needs.

I'm looking to create a small 20-30 man clan, age 18+ players (with some exceptions), with pvp as the first priority. I'm undecided if it will be a chaotic band of thugs, or just a mercenary group for hire, but I know for sure we will try to get as much pvp as we can. This mostly depends on how severe the punishment for negative alignment are, and we can decide what we want to do as a group.

I enjoy building and crafting in addition to combat, and plan to build a minimalist fortress to call home. Because of how the siege system is set to work, a small clan with very skilled pvpers can defend their land against even the largest clans if they can win battles. I would like to create a light RP story for the clan's motives, and for clan-to-clan relations, but RP would never be required or enforced.

Builders and crafters are welcome to join, but you need to be able to pick up a sword and learn how to fight with the rest.

If you are interested, send me a PM on the forums with your steam name and a little about yourself (past LIF experience etc).

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Re: [US][PVP!] Creating a new small-scale PVP clan

Post by SavageBonobo » 13 Dec 2016, 20:27

djmarilio on steam

We're after the same thing

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Zealous Believer
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Re: [US][PVP!] Creating a new small-scale PVP clan

Post by Knar » 14 Dec 2016, 06:25

Marilio wrote:djmarilio on steam

We're after the same thing

Nothing came up when I searched that on steam.

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