Great House Tasanar | New Guild Seeking Members and Allies

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Great House Tasanar | New Guild Seeking Members and Allies

Post by Xkeithstonex » 16 Feb 2017, 00:16

Great House Tasanar

Anyone looking to start fresh for the MMO?
The mission of Great House Tasanar is to promote the security and prosperity of all members. To form a Federation of tribes, families and orders of similar ethics and virtue. As wayfarers from the Wulpic Empire and her colonies the Great House Tasanar wishes to form a lasting impression on newly discovered lands. Open to all walks of life, from mercenaries, soldiers, hedge knights to artisans, rangers, and farmers. All can be part of a family larger than themselves and call on any brother or sister and know every neighbor.

The Scope of the Great House Tasanar is to be the founding member of a grand federation of Great Houses. Thranic, the Patriarch of the House wishes to form the Darbannon Federation, an ancient structure of democracy. The House will support its own economy and military while seeking to form a council to represent all lands that wish to form this new Federation.

Great House Tasanar is structured to support any number of members, each claim will have no less than 10 members. At the head of the House will be a Patriarch, a House Mayor and House Captain. The Patriarch is the head of the House, the House Captain will be the leader of House forces and the Mayor will oversee and manage economy and trade. There will be various ranks underneath each sector, the Patriarch appoints the Captain and the members appoint the Mayor. Every other tribe, guild, clan, order, village, or entity that swears fealty will send 3 councilors for representation on the council and is encouraged to incorporate a Great House structure of their own.

House Warder
House Oathman
House Retainer

House Master
House Curate
House Apprentice

House Troops

The military of Great House Tasanar will be organized, trained and maintained by the Captain. As it grows in size, more opportunities for leadership arise. The more dedicated the warrior, and the more loyalty they show the better chance he or she has to progress in rank. Each Oathman will take charge of multiple retainers, this small unit is called an Oath. A Warder will take charge of multiple Oaths; this will be called a Ward. The Captain oversees all retainers, oaths and wards and will task out orders accordingly. Oathmen can send retainers on missions, tasks and patrols, likewise for Warders and their oaths. The highest ranking online member can assemble and lead House Troops.

House Artisans

The mission of the House Artisans is to propel themselves and other members of the House into wealth and prosperity. Through craft, trade and expertise the Artisans will feed and supply the House Troops, gain their own wealth and grow the House to the greatest possible state. They are responsible for everything not related to security from construction to where and when to plant the seeds. Overseen by the elected Mayor, he or she will look to the best interests of both the members and the house.

The Council

The Patriarch, the Captain and the Mayor make up the House Council and will by 2/3 majority amend laws, rules, and political policy. A 3/3 vote is required to declare war unless in defense of House interests and property.

The Great House is made up of multiple families, when a small group is incorporated and taken on to the guild, they keep their identity by forming a family. The leader of a claim that joins Great House Tasanar becomes the head of that Family. Nobles are eligible for election to Mayor and appointment to Captain.

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Rank Descriptions, Requirements and Advancement

House Retainer
A House Retainer is the backbone of the House forces, wielding the weapons of their choice they will protect the Great House estates, protect craftsmen, fend off wolves and other dangerous beasts and train their skills. From time to time retainers will be given missions, everything from a short patrol, scouting, raiding and protecting trade caravans. Retainers will perform manual labor and general crafting when idle to work their muscles and minds.

Requirements for House Retainer are 30+ in 2 combat skills.

To advance as a Retainer to Oathman, there must be sufficient numbers of retainers for the promotion to be granted. Demonstrating knowledge of the local lands, allies and enemies, showing dedication and loyalty to the Great House Tasanar are all taken into account. This Promotion is granted by a Warder or Captain.

House Oathman
An Oathman leads and supervises the training of the retainers and leads them on patrols, forays, raids, and other missions set out by the house council. An Oathman is called such for he or she swears an oath to the House and can swear on other’s behalf. When a new member joins the Great House Tasanar, an Oathman will look to their well-being regardless of profession, Oathmen can invite new members to join the ranks.

Requirements for Oath men require the leadership of 4 or more retainers and 60+ in 2 combat skills.

To advance to House Warder there must be a sufficient number of Oaths, and you must demonstrate to be of the highest caliber, be tactically proficient and show exceptional leadership in combat. The Patriarch and Captain grant this promotion.

House Warder
A House Warder will lead war bands against Tasanar’s enemies. They oversee the Oaths, and will parcel out all the missions and act as the leaders of House troops in the absence of the Captain. A House Warder is a fierce combatant, equipped with the best weapons and armor the House has to offer.

Requirements for Warder include 60+ in 4 combat skills and at least 4 Oaths available.

The position of Captain is determined by the Patriarch. He will pick one of the Warders for the position in the event of abdication, retirement and removal of the House Captain.

House Apprentice
The House Apprentice is the backbone of the economy, they provide the gathering, labor and raw materials. Without the Apprentice the wheel would not turn, these artisans, villagers and wild men will lay the foundations for new buildings, work the foundry, til the fields, and much more. All new members of the Great House Tasanar will be House Apprentices until they become Curates or Retainers.

Requirements for House Apprentice: None

To advance from this position, the Apprentice must show loyalty and dedication. Their willingness to work and manage projects in absence of the Curates and their knowledge of their craft are taken into account.

House Curates
House Curates are the foremen and direct link between the masters and apprentices. They will oversee and manage civil projects. They may run the foundry, work the smithy, oversee the farm, tend to the animals or conduct civil planning. A House Curate can fill many positions, and there may be multiple curates in one profession. These are craftsmen that have proven themselves and are free to arrange and conduct trade and take on new apprentices (members). A house curate can arrange for House troops to guard and protect certain projects, maybe a quest to gather a far reaching resource, or even protect a trade operation between two locations.

Requirements for Curate 60+ in 4 Crafting Skills

To advance to Master a Curate might choose to specialize in a certain skill or skills. The rank of master is an application to the House Council. They will decide if a position is available and to what scope constitutes Mastership.

House Master
A House Master is a subject matter expert when it comes to a particular profession. Each skill will have only 1 master, they will be the authority regarding that skill line and in some cases entire skill trees. A Master smith may oversee the smith curates, the smelting curates, and all the apprentices working under them. A Master architect may be responsible for the layout of a whole claim and what buildings to demolish and what will be built next. A master forester will dictate what trees will be planted, protected and where. A Master miner will oversee all the mining operations how much is mined and where it goes.

Requirements for House Master are 90+ in at least 2 skills.

To petition for Mastership, proof of accomplishments must be presented to the council. This could include a high quality and upper level item and screen shots of their skill tree/progression. They must be active and dedicated to the House and its endeavors. A 3/3 Vote on the council must be in place to award the title Master. Mayors will be elected from the group of masters to reflect the pace of the game.
Ubbe: So we declare war on England.
Ivar: No, in the name of our dead father, in the name of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of our country, and in the name of Odin, we declare war on the whole world.

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