How to fix personal claims.

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How to fix personal claims.

Post by JDresdin » 18 Dec 2017, 05:06

I would like to propose some easily implemented changes for personal claims, which would fix the currently broken mechanics surrounding them.

This would make private claims viable for guild members and solo*/small groups alike, and make griefing with them difficult.

1. Personal claims can be destroyed during Judgement Hour with torches/siege equipment.

-It's important that claims can still be removed, this would work fine for that. It would still require some effort to be taken down if at full durability (see next point).

2. Personal claims can be fed materials (max once an ingame day) to increase durability until a cap is hit.

-This is so brand new claims can be taken down in only a few minutes, to prevent griefing (ex. a character makes 10 alts, surrounds a base with private claims). Basically the longer the claim has existed, the harder it will be to remove.

For a full durability claim it could take 2-3 people with torches hitting it for a good 20-30 minutes, allowing an established claim owner the ability to defend themself or call for reinforcements.

3. Personal claims cannot be made during Judgement Hour.

- To prevent personal claim griefing.

4. Guild claims cannot be extended over private claims, unless the owner of the private claim is a member of the guild.

- This is the big one. If you want a private claim removed, you should have tear it down during judgement hour.

*when I say solo, I'm referring to one or two people living by themselves who trade with larger neighbours, which should be encouraged.

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