When you open your personal inventory, you have a fixed size box where you can see what you are carrying. Small bags have smaller inventory, and the size of the inventory screens are smaller as a result. However when you go to large warehouses or other buildings/items with storage capabilities, they all have the same inventory screen.
There is an example of my personal inventory and my large warehouse. As you can see the icons are all large, i have enough room to store stuff in there, yet it is impossible for me to find anything. Also when you have sorted a warehouse to your liking and someone else adds an item, it throws it randomlyy to somewhere in the warehouse on your screen. The result is chaos, and that is especial so for people with any form of ocd. I would like to insist that you come with a sorting system that is less caotic and more organized for all users.
In conclusion:
-Large warehouses/ other storage buildings should have larger inventory screens
-Inventory needs to be streamlined and allow for better organization between users
-It shouldn't be so difficult to find items, or share items
-if you didn;t have ocd before playing this game, you probably will now!