is combat going to change or are devs happy as it is?

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is combat going to change or are devs happy as it is?

Post by Linbaba » 23 Dec 2016, 13:36


I have to say, I wasn't really impressed by the game at first, I felt it was very clunky and approximate, but the more I played the more I grew to enjoy it.

I have played many MMOs with many friends and when I mention this game to them, they turn it down immediately citing different issues which I won't go into now (but one of them is the grind).

In this post, I would like to focus on what is (in my opinion) the most important feature that would probably make them change their minds despite the others issues they have.

That said, it's also an issue I have with the game, "the combat" and more precisely, "the combat gameplay".

I realised this watching a PVP video of LIF.

I mean I've been in combat in the game, with animals and people, but seeing a "pvp video" with "cool pvp music" just made me realize how ugly it is.

It's ugly, it's slow, it's clunky, it's almost as bad as Gloria Victis except that at least here it feels like your weapon has weight (whereas there you're basically slashing with pixels).

And the pvp music, like, you know the type right? The music that's meant to be awesome, exciting, showing a furious battle, the skilled and impressive fight carried by the dramatic music, with LIF pvp video, made it even worse!

I mean it was totally ridiculous and the "cool music" made it even more ridiculous.

Now personally, even though I think that, it's not something that will prevent me from playing, and I'm sure tons of people feel the same way (at least about it not being something that would stop them from playing). But I still don't like it, and I want to go back to my friends and tell them : "yeah it's ugly right now, but we are in beta, the devs are planning on improving the combat like, a lot".

But I don't know that, I would guess it's true, but before I say that, I'd like to check.


TL;DR : Are the devs planning on improving the combat gameplay, animation, and general subject?

If yes, before 2nd wave? Before Open beta? Before release?

If no, no problem at all, it's your game and you of course do as you like, but I really would like to know : will combat improve or is the focus more on other things like crafting, grinding, farming, politics or whatever?

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