LFG- Dedicated to my work

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

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LFG- Dedicated to my work

Post by Maestro.de.rancor » 25 Feb 2017, 02:35

Hello everyone, I'm out here looking through these guild posts new and old, but perhaps I'll have more luck posting something for someone to reach out to me. :)

I'm looking for a good group of folks to join in this endeavor. I have played a bit of YO and am looking forward to the MMO. I love the effort that needs to go into creating something great and am willing to work hard for it. I am not heavy into RP, so can really only handle a light amount if any.

If you have any questions or think you could use me, send me a message on discord. My username is Municate.

See everyone out there! :beer:

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Re: LFG- Dedicated to my work

Post by Xkeithstonex » 25 Feb 2017, 04:00

Hey there!

I am the leader for a group called Great House Tasanar and I was interested in responding to your post! We are good group of guys and gals with busy schedules that play YO and the MMO. We are looking for casual and dedicated players alike. We would love to have you!
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Ivar: No, in the name of our dead father, in the name of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of our country, and in the name of Odin, we declare war on the whole world.

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Re: LFG- Dedicated to my work

Post by BlackjackBarret » 25 Feb 2017, 05:19

Hello there, I'm from Aberon and we're always happy to take in new members. This is a clip from our guild recruitment post.

"The Kingdom of Aberon is a Highly active group currently playing on LIF:YO with the intention of becoming a major player in the MMO. We have a large number of members currently and are very active. If you are interested Add: Bolton of Aberon or Regnar of Aberon on steam and I will give you our discord information. Feel free to leave a message on the forum as well.

Our website: http://aberon.org/

If you are looking for a friendly group to skill with or PVP we are looking for all types.

We are American and EU time zone friendly."

If you're interested or just want to learn more about us contact Bolton or Regnar, listed above, or even myself, Blackjack Barret, We'll be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

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Re: LFG- Dedicated to my work

Post by Wortnes » 25 Feb 2017, 07:41


BlackThorne Keep is recruiting.
We are a RP oriented crafting and logistics guild
in preparation for the MMO. Check our site.


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Re: LFG- Dedicated to my work

Post by Jackylor » 25 Feb 2017, 17:51


Everstorm here! We would love to have you come join us! Feel free to come to our official website Everstormgaming.com. Look around and feel free to come join us in discord, and just send us a message in discord!

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