LFG NA (Francais or English)

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LFG NA (Francais or English)

Post by Sebas555 » 01 Feb 2017, 18:56

I'm returning to the game after a couple of months off and learning to deal with the latest game changes. I rejoinded my old guild when I came back first but it didn't work out... to much free for all for me!

So now I'm playing solo on a RP server just to replace my self in the game. Not looking for RP guild... actually I'm more pragmatic and like when things gets done without hours of procrastinating..

I'm neither a PvP specialist but I enjoy the PvP rush and I'm more of a range fighter and supporting roles. I know I can get better at it if I'm with the right people where I can practice and get more experience.

So basicaly, I'm looking for an active and organized guild with mature members who has plans for the MMO (not playing in MMO currently but will be there at launch for sure) and are playing on a NA YO server. Not in a rush, just looking for the right home for me!

Let me know if you guild sounds like what I described and we can have a talk about it. (I got TS, Discord, whatever needed for voice chat)

Je parle français aussi (de souche) alors si tu veux discuter, aucun problème.

Cheers to all! :beer:

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Re: LFG NA (Francais or English)

Post by Saar » 02 Feb 2017, 14:26

Si tu as n'as toujours pas trouvé de guilde qui te sied, je peux peut-être te proposer la notre : von Culm.

Le peut-être dépend de la localisation de ton serveur de jeu. J'ai vu que tu habitais au Canada, tu compte rejoindre le serveur Amérique sans doute?

Dans le cas contraire, sache que nous sommes un regroupement de joueur francophone qui se sont découverts au grès des serveurs LiF:YO. Nous jouons un RP de moines (PvE)/chevaliers(PvPistes) teutonique français (mais avec un accent allemand assez prononcé) et notre système de fonctionnement interne est basé sur le suffrage universel : Nous n'avons pas de chef.

Nous comptons dans nos rangs toute sorte de joueurs, du plus casual au plus hardcore en passant par des PvPistes purs et durs comme par des PvE boys. Cet ensemble hétéroclite fonctionne en bonne intelligence car nous sommes tous concernés par les prises de décision.
Nous sommes ouverts à toutes les cultures et les communautés (au contraire même, nous considérons que c'est une richesse).

Nous avons un TS et un site internet qui relaie les infos de la communauté : von Culm

Zealous Believer
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Re: LFG NA (Francais or English)

Post by Kildrith » 02 Feb 2017, 14:52

Hey, there I run a small guild hoping to grow over time. we are an English speaking guild, we use discord and we are semi active until the mmo playing on a 64 bit server, we have been proactive in preparation for the mmo, searching for allies, players, and PvP practice.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, PM me on the forums and we can setup a time to talk on discord.

:beer: :beer:

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Re: LFG NA (Francais or English)

Post by vukodlac » 02 Feb 2017, 19:16

Hi , i have the solution :D


Ardent Keeper is an NA guild , in good contact with many french group of EKoA , like that you will speak American , and be happy to talk french to ;-)

must important , you will play with a group on the same GMT than you !

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Re: LFG NA (Francais or English)

Post by Sebas555 » 02 Feb 2017, 23:44

Thx for all the offers! I'll be checking all that for sure this weekend!

Yes I'm looking to play on a NA server so I have a good ping and can compete PvP wise...

Oui je cherche un server NA parce que je veux avoir un bon ping et etre competitif.

... my choice is not made yet...

Have all a great day! :)

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