North America, Looking for Guild

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North America, Looking for Guild

Post by Jtlittle » 04 May 2017, 01:07

Hello, I am a brand new Life is Feudal player. I have a lot of time in games somewhat similar but this will be a whole new experience for me. I am looking for a guild to spend my Beta time with and perhaps even one who also plays in LIF Your Own, So that I can further my experience between betas. I will be joined by my brother as well and we are interested in a Guild and or being Vassals for a large group while helping with economic/military tasks.

We are both adults who have a bit of free time on our hands in the evenings.

If you have any questions for me I'd be glad to answer them!

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Re: North America, Looking for Guild

Post by Kildrith » 04 May 2017, 15:07

Hey Jtlittle! I hope you are doing well. Below is some info on a NA guild I run, if it looks like a good fit feel free to get in contact with me!

My guild is an expanding kingdom of veteran players looking to bolster our numbers with like minded individuals for the MMO. we have no problem helping new players get acclimated to the game. We have room for players who just want to craft, or PvP or a combination of the two. If you are interested in joining you can contact me on discord!

Discord Username
Upsidedown Question Mark #4283

Or you can join our discord server directly!

-=What you can expect from us=-

1) As much hands on help, learning the game as you want.
2) A friendly, mature gaming environment.
3) We never force our members to do something they don’t want to do (either a skill set, or to PvP if you don't want to fight)
4) To have a voice that is actually listened to, if you have a good idea, our organization will always hear you out.

-=What we are=-

We are a group of players that plan to try and setup a sense of order to the tile we inhabit, we wish to do this through forming, trading, non-aggression pacts, and alliances with our neighbors that share our values, and push out groups that grief groups, or constantly harass groups that can’t defend themselves. Over time we hope to have our tile become a great spot for the smaller guilds to come and settle.
To this end we will need your help!

Have a Great Day! :beer: :friends: :beer: :friends:

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Re: North America, Looking for Guild

Post by Ravose » 04 May 2017, 16:23

Hey there. So I don't post on forums too often but I would like to welcome any one who is going to play LIF:MMO to join my gaming community. In addition to LIF:MMO, I have games in mind to play such as ArcheAge, Neverwinter, Warface, and Chivalry Medieval Warfare. Please, if you are looking for a brand new type of community that is starting up - consider sending me a forum PM and post here as well so I can contact you. Right now, I have not many people interested because well, I play games that on my main game - not many people care about.

Life Is Feudal was and will be the #1 game as it stood in 2015(?). This game needs a new mindset behind a gaming community and that is where I come in. I have an advanced Enjin webpage, as well as a DDoS-protected TS3 Server. Both bits of information are somewhat done with the work needed. The TS3 Server is actually really organized and I would encourage any one with any inkling of remote interest to come send me a message. Even a thread response will suffice. My main agenda and primary goal is to create a respectful community for the LIF:MMO in which once I am able to play, we can really form a rather peaceful village/common ground area for people to join in and enjoy the game as we all have enjoyed in the LIF:YO servers. :good:

P.S. I'm one of the reviewers who highly praised this game for an outstanding type of game that it is. If you don't believe me, go look on the LIF:YO reviews page. I will be right on there and I do not mean to sound conceited. I still am humbled to be on that review of top reviewers for such an amazing game like this. But this time around, I plan to make a gaming community dedicated to moving the LIF:MMO in the right way as well as how the developers have made this game seriously one-of-a-kind type of environment for gamers.

Thanks. Please contact me asap. Maybe I will throw up the TS3 in case I seem to run out of time for gathering up people to join me. The TS3 is heavily modified from having strict permissions as well as it's own Music Bot and integrated Server Administrator Bot. 8-)

Honor will be using an advanced mode of Enjin. The Enjin website and features include DDoS-protection but for now, we remain with our Enjin website and DDoS-protected TS3 Server.
Our website is as follows:

For without Honor, there is nothing to die for. Without respect, there shall be no respect to be given. Honor's motto is just to be laid back, join in on the games we all may have, and to have fun! :beer:
Honor Discord | Leader of Honor | Honor Website

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