[DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.
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[DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders

Post by Sidashley » 15 May 2017, 20:16

Fair Scale Traders (Avalon)

Who We Are?

Hello Feudalists!
This is going to be a recruitment thread for a small/medium sized trading village, not planning to go beyond monument size 1 for now.
This village will be a community effort distancing themselves from the general world politics.
-Ultimately that means we trade with any faction/kingdom, without pledging alliance to any, nor do we plan to join any wars.

We are a core group of people, of which most have known eachother for years, so we have a very casual way of speaking to eachother. Some may find the language we use towards one another offensive, but i assure you, this is all just friendly banter. However, if this is a turnoff for you, consider yourself informed.

What is our goals?

Our main goal is to be a strong self-sufficient village who can provide lone wolfs as well as empires with high quality goods for a fair price.
We wish to be a well known across the lands as well as earn the respects of all factions while staying ultimately neutral.
We want to create a society, where players are able to influence the direction of the village
We take our villagers seriously as well as welcoming casual and hardcore players alike.
We want to offer an experience that is a little different from the rural life in a tiny village and what the big alliances can offer.

What is our dreams?

One of our recent dreams is to make a recurring trading event, a harvest festival of some sort, where traders from all around the world, big and small, come with peace and indifference, and trade their specialty goods.

Dreams is a fluid thing, more will come as people become inspired :)

What can we give you?

An opportunity to roleplay, build a background story and a character accordingly, and present yourself in your alter ego in any way you want within the trading community


Fighting is feudal

Let's talk about play styles

Player vs Player

There's a a lot of different interest when it comes to PvP. You can broadly categorize players in 3 categories.

1. Players that prefer not to fight.
2. Players that like freelance/lonewolf/bandit style PvP.
3. Players that want to be part of large scale battles.

It is our focus to appeal to category 1 and 2. We will provide avenues for players interested in that skirmisher style play.
We will have a small, but (hopefully) elite guard unit with disciplined soldiers, trained and hardened by the guard captain (this position is currently unfilled).
That guard unit will then be enabling those not interested in fighting, to take minimal participation,
solely in defending the village while still being able to focus on their preferred content without having to worry about signing up for war.

Player vs Environment

A strong economy is the foundation of all successful Civilizations - Sid Meier (probably not)

Trade and crafting will be extremely important and the main focus of our village.
Players that have the drive to become experts in their trades, will be very successful both in position and influence. However! Do not be discouraged if you are more of a jack-of-all-trades kind of person, because we will have plenty of odd-jobs for you to do in order to keep the daily trades going smoothly and as well as being able to act as a sentinel for the guards if you are interested in doing so.

If you are an apprentice of the arts, but have the drive to become a part of history, we will do all in our communitys power to help you learn from the ancient WIKI masters!
Jokes aside, we are a fluid community, helping each other out, don't be afraid to learn something new, and if you got some knowledge, feel free to share it with whoever it might be relevant for!
Last edited by Sidashley on 03 Dec 2017, 04:36, edited 23 times in total.

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scales Traders [WIP]

Post by Sidashley » 15 May 2017, 20:19

How do I join?

First things first, we are a group based in the EU.
We are an 18 plus community and wish to keep that as a minimum age restriction, mostly because we tend to use a lot of foul language.
Please note that "officially" this group wont be active until Wave 2 is launched and that members will be joining when it fits their personal schedules.
We want to play seriously and expect you to do the same, but we are by far tryhardy nor a group of min-maxers.

Until that time, we play different games, focus on personal lifes and chat about random stuff. If you want to join our community, please answer the few questions listed below and post them either on the forum or send them to me in a PM.
You will then be contacted by me, informing you whether or not we feel you will fit into our group, as well as an explanation why/why not.
If you wish to meet some of the core team members prior to launch we'll set up a conversation on a fitting platform.
We'll answer any questions that we're able to, and if you're still interested in joining us, let us know :)

How to contact me

1. Reply to this thread
2. Add me on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sidashley123456
3. Private Message me here.
4. Join our FST discord channel https://discord.gg/KRfq8ng
NB: Discord wont be very active until we get closer to wave 2.
We will also have to verify your affiliation before granting you access to the chat lobbies, so this option is mostly for users who have been accepted into the community

The boring form of formality and odd questions!

Your actual name (just the first will do):
Your steam Name/ID?:
What part of the world are you from?:
Are you above 18?:
Do you speak danish, english or both?:
Have you played LIF:YO?:
What are your previous MMO/survival game experiences?:
What will be your preffered playstyle in LIF:MMO?:
Why did this poorly made recruitment post spike your interest?:
Tell me a little about yourself:
What is your hopes and dreams in LIF:MMO? (what's your personal goal):
Can you make a banner that isn't garbage like the one I made?:

My introduction


Racducks introduction


Snippets of posts with practical information

Last edited by Sidashley on 23 Nov 2017, 15:26, edited 37 times in total.

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]]

Post by ThomasSoerensen » 21 May 2017, 21:16

Hi I am Danish and would be happy to join you guys in Lif:YO and Lif:MMO


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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]]

Post by Sidashley » 22 May 2017, 15:35

ThomasSoerensen wrote:Hi I am Danish and would be happy to join you guys in Lif:YO and Lif:MMO


Hey thomas!

First of all, I apologize for the somewhat incomplete recruitment page filled with BB errors and broken grammar! :(
All this will be fixed to the extend my mediocre english skills allow.
A more detailed recruitment application will be available when I get a little less busy at work.

However, we are happy you are showing us some interest, and there should be no issue with you joining up with us other Danes and a few fellow mates of mixed origins as well.
All we need to do is have you fill out a short formal form (when it's ready, again sorry for the lack here of) to make sure we are suited to fulfill your needs as well as making sure you fit in the rest of the team ;)

Keep posted as we get closer to CBT wave 4/OBT as i will have finished the thread by then with a bit more detail as well as the short questionnaire.

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Sidashley » 04 Jun 2017, 18:40

Shameless self bump and a heads up to eventual followers of this thread, that the content and 2nd post have been updated with more information.

The thread is not yet done and any helpful critique/grammatical corrections/suggestions is more than welcome :)

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Forresthunt » 05 Jun 2017, 03:58

hello there Fair Scale Traders,
Together with my friend we want to keep it small and simple. A little well placed village, specializing in something one could trade it with others. Pretty much peacefull, traiding, PvE style.
Well, we could join you but that would ruine both of our groups plans to stay small. However, we wouldn't mind settle somewhere neare likeminded individuals.
if its not too much to ask, which region are you aiming for?

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Sidashley » 05 Jun 2017, 10:17

AxDog wrote:hello there Fair Scale Traders,
Together with my friend we want to keep it small and simple. A little well placed village, specializing in something one could trade it with others. Pretty much peacefull, traiding, PvE style.
Well, we could join you but that would ruine both of our groups plans to stay small. However, we wouldn't mind settle somewhere neare likeminded individuals.
if its not too much to ask, which region are you aiming for?

Hey AxDog!
We fully respect your wishes to keep your group tight, just like ours.
A trade route could be mutually beneficial for both villages until both get a bit better settled in with a steady flow of goods. We would be more than happy to try and establish a possible trade route with your village if you are not extremely far away from our location :)
This is of course still subject to change, but the current goal is to aim for a location around chunk 30/31.

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Forresthunt » 05 Jun 2017, 12:27

30-31? Could be a busy spot, definitely good for trading.
We were planning to go either farther North or all the way to the East to avoid the "traffic". but Im sure I'll come knocking on your gates someday. Im not much of a swimmer and the boats are not ready yet so your location will be right on the way to the Capital.

...or who knows, maybe we will just come over for you to take us in after we get tired of few too many lonely JH. :)

have a good one

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Sidashley » 05 Jun 2017, 21:41

AxDog wrote:30-31? Could be a busy spot, definitely good for trading.
We were planning to go either farther North or all the way to the East to avoid the "traffic". but Im sure I'll come knocking on your gates someday. Im not much of a swimmer and the boats are not ready yet so your location will be right on the way to the Capital.

...or who knows, maybe we will just come over for you to take us in after we get tired of few too many lonely JH. :)

have a good one

It could indeed be very busy, which is why we haven't all agreed to it yet. Finding the perfect balance between claims, resource locations and guilds/towns/villages interested in trade is a difficult task when it's all still in theory. We will see a few days after launch where the big and also all the unknown smaller groups have all settled, which location could be most prosperous for all parts :)

Who knows, we might come to you if you have better luck staying out of the way of bloodthirsty bandits ;)

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Forresthunt » 06 Jun 2017, 03:23

Finding the perfect balance between claims, resource locations and guilds/towns/villages interested in trade is a difficult task when it's all still in theory.

you are quite right about that, in fact, thanks to the map and developers design, there is no spot that would have it all (and I love it; insentive for us all to interact)
that got me thinking, all the big Guilds allay with each other but I haven't seen andy small groups doing so, at least not officially.
How about it?
"Feudal Life Villagers" or better yet use Your already existing and cool sounding "Fair Scale Traders" name.
with very simple set of rules, like for example:

- ALL villages are equal
- We trade
- We help each other

each village is independend with no drama to do something or follow anybody unless they wish so.

location doesn't matter, each village have something uniqe to offer, the farther away the more uniqe. good for trading

if one of us get raided and destroyed, other villages could help restart or take in the survivers indefinetlly or untill they are ready to be on they own again. kind of insurance for hard times.

even borrow specialists if neccessary.
all based on good go-around karma.
imagine if you could go somewhere far away for a few days, meet new peope, live they problems and come back to your village to tell all about it :)

well, just an idea.
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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Sidashley » 06 Jun 2017, 12:02

AxDog wrote:
Finding the perfect balance between claims, resource locations and guilds/towns/villages interested in trade is a difficult task when it's all still in theory.

you are quite right about that, in fact, thanks to the map and developers design, there is no spot that would have it all (and I love it; insentive for us all to interact)
that got me thinking, all the big Guilds allay with each other but I haven't seen andy small groups doing so, at least not officially.
How about it?
"Feudal Life Villagers" or better yet use Your already existing and cool sounding "Fair Scale Traders" name.
with very simple set of rules, like for example:

- ALL villages are equal
- We trade
- We help each other

each village is independend with no drama to do something or follow anybody unless they wish so.

location doesn't matter, each village have something uniqe to offer, the farther away the more uniqe. good for trading

if one of us get raided and destroyed, other villages could help restart or take in the survivers indefinetlly or untill they are ready to be on they own again. kind of insurance for hard times.

even borrow specialists if neccessary.
all based on good go-around karma.
imagine if you could go somewhere far away for a few days, meet new peope, live they problems and come back to your village to tell all about it :)

well, just an idea.

Quite the idea.
A lot more complicated and involved than our initial plan, but it could work out. Maybe not on a global scale, but at least between a few dedicated villages.
This of course would be an alliance, with a few global rules for all villages included.

I do like the sound of "the Fair Scale federation", because "the Fair Trade federation" just reminds me of coffee and chocolate xD
EDITED IDEAS with punchlines for flair:

Council of Traders - one must work in order to be free.
Fair Scale Federation - On these scales we are all equal.
Villages of Trade - Make connections, not walls.
Federation of Exchanges - From one hand to another.
I'm out of ideas...
The golden Bridge - Connections are worth a thousand gold.

I'll try and work out some other name ideas, suggestions are of course welcome ;)

If this alliance were to be established, and if your group would be interested in joining the alliance, we would both need to agree on how to make decisions within the alliance.
(an equal ruling board with 1 representative (preferably the head of the village) casting democratic votes, would be a good option in my opinion)

We would also have to look out for smaller communities with the same interests as us, and maybe even make a separate thread for establishing partnerships with them, in order to broaden our alliance.

If we end up with this alliance, our group would like to host these alliance meetings and send out couriers to other villages involved who did not show up to inform them of eventual changes in alliance policy.

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Forresthunt » 07 Jun 2017, 04:19

I would think more in terms of a community, at least for as long as something more serious will need to be established.
after all we are talking about PvE players, guys who had a chance to join hundreds of other big Guilds that advertise on the Forum and ….they didn't.
They are Feudalists determinate to survive all odds against bandits, JH or expanding Kingdoms just to get the satisfaction of build something on they own.
Many of them are Zealous Believers ready to put time and effort into the game working 3 characters at once with I-do-it-all-myself attitude.
They are hardly followers, and don't expect things to come easy or free.
In this game, people who choose “being small” want to trade and most of all interact with other players. And that could be difficult when you surrounded by big, developed and fully independent big Guilds.
That's where Fair Scale Traders could come in. Your name say it all.
Host annual markets where people can meet, socialize and exchange goods.
Introduce villages to each other and inform about events or essential things that go around.
In another words, be a place where people come seeking information, helping hand or simply want to socialize.
I would't worry about social structure, not just yet. Those guys, have naturally build in “fairness chip”. All favors will be paid back “with interest” without being asked for it.
You invite me to your Guild event and I'll bring my best seeds or whatever my little community is proud off.
Such interactions will happen naturally, in fact happened already, I'm just suggesting to put a name on it.
Fair Scale Traders sounds about right to me

and reading your posts I have a feeling you already know how to organize it all. :)

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Sidashley » 07 Jun 2017, 10:01

AxDog wrote:I would think more in terms of a community, at least for as long as something more serious will need to be established.
after all we are talking about PvE players, guys who had a chance to join hundreds of other big Guilds that advertise on the Forum and ….they didn't.
They are Feudalists determinate to survive all odds against bandits, JH or expanding Kingdoms just to get the satisfaction of build something on they own.
Many of them are Zealous Believers ready to put time and effort into the game working 3 characters at once with I-do-it-all-myself attitude.
They are hardly followers, and don't expect things to come easy or free.
In this game, people who choose “being small” want to trade and most of all interact with other players. And that could be difficult when you surrounded by big, developed and fully independent big Guilds.
That's where Fair Scale Traders could come in. Your name say it all.
Host annual markets where people can meet, socialize and exchange goods.
Introduce villages to each other and inform about events or essential things that go around.
In another words, be a place where people come seeking information, helping hand or simply want to socialize.
I would't worry about social structure, not just yet. Those guys, have naturally build in “fairness chip”. All favors will be paid back “with interest” without being asked for it.
You invite me to your Guild event and I'll bring my best seeds or whatever my little community is proud off.
Such interactions will happen naturally, in fact happened already, I'm just suggesting to put a name on it.
Fair Scale Traders sounds about right to me

and reading your posts I have a feeling you already know how to organize it all. :)

Thank you very much for your input, this helps me out a lot in terms of figuring out possible directions this group can take :)

I am a creative thinker, but not always to realistic, I like to think VERY big.

The idea of an "annual" Fair Trade market (a market events that occur at the end of each real life month for example) is something I didn't think of at all, so this idea is to me of great value and I will try my best to see this one brought to our village.

I do indeed like structure, so anything that needs organizing, i'm the guy in our group. But i'm not the best when it comes to the people aspect, I'm not good a gauging what people want or need, I'm just the visionary ;) But if we take it slow and keep up contact maybe we can put something together as we make contact with these other small groups!

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Forresthunt » 09 Jun 2017, 00:05

I do indeed like structure, so anything that needs organizing, i'm the guy in our group.

certainly glad to hear that :)
me, I'm just a guy who likes to beat around the bushes hoping to chace a rabbit or an idea out of it.

and you quite right, starting another post devoted to this idea could be helpful.
and sure, I'll toss a coin in if I can be of help

best regards

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by CamilleQc » 14 Jun 2017, 03:33

Count me in!!!

I've read your reply on my post and frankly, you seem to be exactly what I'm looking for. Fair Scale Traders, you have your self an architect :)

Come see me in private if you have question (or a Your Own server I could join).

See ya,


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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Sidashley » 15 Jun 2017, 15:40

CamilleQc wrote:Count me in!!!

I've read your reply on my post and frankly, you seem to be exactly what I'm looking for. Fair Scale Traders, you have your self an architect :)

Come see me in private if you have question (or a Your Own server I could join).

See ya,


Sounds wonderful Camille :)

I'm afraid I have been hospitalized temporarily, so my replys are a bit slow, I apologize for that.

I have given word of your terms to the core guys, and everyone seem to agree to have an exclusive builder :)

We will introduce you to the team when i get a bit more stable with access to a functioning PC instead of this current potato.

I'm afraid we do not have a YO server, as we want to keep the game as fresh as possible, I hope you don't mind that this is missing :)

I know it's boring and all, but the easiest way for me to relay information to the team regarding what type of person you are, would you mind filling out the boring form of formalities? ^_^

Your actual name (just the first will do):
Your steam Name/ID?:
What part of the world are you from?:
Are you above 18?:
Do you speak Danish, English or both?:
Have you played LIF:YO?:
What are your previous MMO/survival game experiences?:
What will be your preffered playstyle in LIF:MMO?
Why did this poorly made recruitment post spike your interest?:
Tell me a little about yourself:
What is your hopes and dreams in LIF:MMO? (what's your personal goal):
Can you make a banner that isn't garbage like the one I made?:

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by CamilleQc » 16 Jun 2017, 03:07

Actual Name : Camille (It really is, and it's a girl name, just in case someone ask)
Steam Name/ID : Camomille both you might have to search for WeirdoBc to find me.
Part of the world : I'm a french canadian from province of Quebec, Canada :)
Are you above 18? Yes since 1992
Danish, English or both? English, but french is native language.
Have you played LIF:YO? My steam account says I played 141 hours. yet.
Previous MMO/Survival : Ok....Err.....Mmo => Ultima Online, Everquest I, WoW, City of Heroes, FF xi, Warhammer online, Lord of the Rings online, Elder Scrolls Online....mostly. Then Survival : Minecraft, 7 Days, No Man's Land, Elderion, Space Engineer, Medieval Engineer

Prefered Playstyle, I'm a crafter. I love to craft. I stay behind, build the town, decorate. I'm an artist. That's also the type of game play I did with Ultima Online. So it's really me in the core.

Why the interest : Being from a minority group myself, the concept of equality, fairness and democracy. I have experience with people and people who like equality and fairness usually are well accepting of difference. Had to quit last LiF YO server because of discrimination. I prefer to feel welcomed.

A little about myself: I'm a website solution developer. I also draw and like to create stuff. I'm also a community radio show host and founded my own indie game dev team.

Hopes and dreams : To be useful for a group. To be appreciated for what I do. Do make a difference. The town I'll build you will be awesome :)

Can you make a banner? err....I might do it, my later in game, when the town will be build enough to take a team picture and post it with the name over it. ;) I guess it won't be a very good banner. Just meh-grade banner.

It's ok you don't have YO, I'll continue play on my server (running local on my computer, not shared). I think having a builder who already know the game will be useful, since I know what can be done. I'm also very for purpose oriented roles : Builder, forester, Farmer, smith, Hunter, and engineer. (the other who don't fit those roles are merchant, solider or costum.

Also, in LiF, roleplay is more easy to do.

Have any mailing list/ facebook page?

See ya,


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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Forresthunt » 16 Jun 2017, 03:46

Camille, that's the best reseme I have ever read on forum pages. Fair Scale Traders are lucky to have you.
company like that make me want to join the Guild myself. hahaha

have a great time, all of you, maybe we will have a chance to cross our paths on MMO. :)

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Sidashley » 16 Jun 2017, 03:50

CamilleQc wrote:Actual Name : Camille (It really is, and it's a girl name, just in case someone ask)
Steam Name/ID : Camomille both you might have to search for WeirdoBc to find me.
Part of the world : I'm a french canadian from province of Quebec, Canada :)
Are you above 18? Yes since 1992
Danish, English or both? English, but french is native language.
Have you played LIF:YO? My steam account says I played 141 hours. yet.
Previous MMO/Survival : Ok....Err.....Mmo => Ultima Online, Everquest I, WoW, City of Heroes, FF xi, Warhammer online, Lord of the Rings online, Elder Scrolls Online....mostly. Then Survival : Minecraft, 7 Days, No Man's Land, Elderion, Space Engineer, Medieval Engineer

Prefered Playstyle, I'm a crafter. I love to craft. I stay behind, build the town, decorate. I'm an artist. That's also the type of game play I did with Ultima Online. So it's really me in the core.

Why the interest : Being from a minority group myself, the concept of equality, fairness and democracy. I have experience with people and people who like equality and fairness usually are well accepting of difference. Had to quit last LiF YO server because of discrimination. I prefer to feel welcomed.

A little about myself: I'm a website solution developer. I also draw and like to create stuff. I'm also a community radio show host and founded my own indie game dev team.

Hopes and dreams : To be useful for a group. To be appreciated for what I do. Do make a difference. The town I'll build you will be awesome :)

Can you make a banner? err....I might do it, my later in game, when the town will be build enough to take a team picture and post it with the name over it. ;) I guess it won't be a very good banner. Just meh-grade banner.

It's ok you don't have YO, I'll continue play on my server (running local on my computer, not shared). I think having a builder who already know the game will be useful, since I know what can be done. I'm also very for purpose oriented roles : Builder, forester, Farmer, smith, Hunter, and engineer. (the other who don't fit those roles are merchant, solider or costum.

Also, in LiF, roleplay is more easy to do.

Have any mailing list/ facebook page?

See ya,


Thank you Camille, makes it easier to present you to the others ^_^

I will add your information to the 2nd post of this thread, where I am starting to post our other members introductions. It's a bit of a slow progress because of my current health situation, but feel free to check up to get an idea of who we are. (not all members are listed yet, and some information is still missing)

I am in the process of convincing everyone to join in on a community discord channel, but we have used skype since the dawn of time, so they arent easy to convince :P

I personally hate facebook so we do not have a dedicated FB page.
An e-mail list could easily be set up, although I will have to ask for the purpose of this before sharing the others information :)

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Sidashley » 16 Jun 2017, 03:55

Goodwillhunter wrote:Wow!
Camille, that's the best reseme I have ever read on forum pages. Fair Scale Traders are lucky to have you.
company like that make me want to join the Guild myself. hahaha

have a great time, all of you, maybe we will have a chance to cross our paths on MMO. :)

I agree GoodWill (previously AxDog right?) on this one, I haven't seen a more competent builder on the forums yet, and I almost feel like we will have a hard time living up to the quality of Camille :P

We could sett up a freelance/outsource agreement if our village have a hard time making sure Camille have enough to do, or we hit a resource drought.
Skill is after all a phenomenal trading commodity, but this would of course be on Camilles own terms ;)

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Forresthunt » 16 Jun 2017, 11:07

I agree GoodWill (previously AxDog right?) on this one, I haven't seen a more competent builder on the forums yet, and I almost feel like we will have a hard time living up to the quality of Camille :P

We could sett up a freelance/outsource agreement if our village have a hard time making sure Camille have enough to do, or we hit a resource drought.
Skill is after all a phenomenal trading commodity, but this would of course be on Camilles own terms ;)

correct, I changed to my in game character name so it is less confusing when the MMO starts.
No matter how the story revels itself I have a good feeling about it.

best wishes, hope you find you way out of hospital in no time.

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by CamilleQc » 17 Jun 2017, 01:57

Yeah, I hope you have a quick recovery. To help you pass time, here's a picture I took of my LiF village I started last week. Just remember that since I'm alone on my server I created 7 different character for the 7 main role (forgot Miner and Healer, last time). So my building skill might improve faster in MMO.
MyVillage Lif.jpg
MyVillage Lif.jpg (216.28 KiB) Viewed 15492 times

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by Sidashley » 17 Jun 2017, 18:23

CamilleQc wrote:Yeah, I hope you have a quick recovery. To help you pass time, here's a picture I took of my LiF village I started last week. Just remember that since I'm alone on my server I created 7 different character for the 7 main role (forgot Miner and Healer, last time). So my building skill might improve faster in MMO.

Great start Camille :)

I can only imagine the time it takes to do all of this solo.
Do you have a planned look you are going for or are you going for more of a "freestyle" building style?

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders [WIP]

Post by CamilleQc » 01 Jul 2017, 13:17

That one was freestyle, but right now I'm working on a planned design village. I'm preparing something very sweet for OUR village. Testing stuff, seeing what works and what doesn't. I want the village to compliment the scenery around it and also seems more natural. The freestyle village looked too fixed on the square grid. I want to see how I can detach the design from it, so that diagonal streets and maybe curved roads can be part of it.

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders

Post by Sidashley » 12 Jul 2017, 13:35

The recruitment thread is now finished and the last bits of information have been added.

More will be added if needed as the game and our community develops, but as of right now we feel satisfied with our thread and the information within.

If you feel like you still need some information before considering applying to join us, feel free to post a reply on the forum or PM me through any of the listed means found in the thread :)

Also a big thanks for suggestions and ideas so far, both from members and fellow traders! We have taken a lot of suggestions to us, and have details about these available to our members on discord.

If you want to establish a trade route/agreement, purchase or sell certain services or participate in events (Will make a schedule of planned events and a list of what we can supply/what we would be interested in when we are well established into the launch of OB)
Feel free to let us know :)

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders

Post by Sarthaal » 20 Jul 2017, 18:56

Good evening Fair Scale Traders,

I find your guild plans and dreams appealing and I would like to join if possible.

I usualy play the neutral lone wolf as a hunter/gatherer with focus on archery so hope you could use my trade.

Sarthaal the Silent

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders

Post by Sidashley » 21 Jul 2017, 14:41

Sarthaal wrote:Good evening Fair Scale Traders,

I find your guild plans and dreams appealing and I would like to join if possible.

I usualy play the neutral lone wolf as a hunter/gatherer with focus on archery so hope you could use my trade.

Sarthaal the Silent

Than you for your interest in our little community Saarthal, I have sent you a reply to your PM :)

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders

Post by Vagabonden » 22 Oct 2017, 09:18


Is this Guild still open for new players?

Im danish, 21? Been waiting over 3 years for this mmo :P

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Re: [DK/ENG] Fair Scale Traders

Post by Sidashley » 20 Nov 2017, 19:22

I'm going to make a shameless bumb just to let people know we are still indeed active and recruiting. Most messages go through discord, so I ended up neglecting the actual forum post. Feel free to contact me or join our discord if you are in doubt whether or not this community will be for you.

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