Looking to start a coastal village

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Looking to start a coastal village

Post by Jnewman93 » 09 May 2017, 14:49

Looking to start a coastal village in the upcoming MMO, looking for players whose focus isn't ONLY on combat and have a reasonably casual attitude.

Any trades are welcome

Combat will still be a part of it as the village will no doubt be raided from time to time.

Any questions feel free to PM me

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Re: Looking to start a coastal village

Post by Forresthunt » 30 May 2017, 02:58

where do you want to sattle in? South? North? or in the center of it all?
Im looking forward to either start or join a small PvE place. Layed back people, no social structure set for a long MMO run.
Goal would be to specialize in something and trade with others.
Location is of great importance here.
and yes, Im expecting being raided, no way around it. Life is Feudal

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Re: Looking to start a coastal village

Post by Atuan » 30 May 2017, 04:31

Instead of getting raided, consider bribing your barbarians or becoming vassals of larger nations

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Re: Looking to start a coastal village

Post by Forresthunt » 30 May 2017, 08:14

if so, Im leaning towards bribing "my barbarians". problem with a big groups is, well, from my point of view, that in no time there is little to do but raid others. as it is now a big group of people will develop to it's full potential within a week or so. Being totally independent there is little need to trade, or interact with other groups except for fighting or allaying with them. And fighting and allaying, or as you put it bribing, will come to me, no matter what I do.
right now, there is very little, or not at all political structure in the game. so if I want to play it long term (and I like it enough to do so) than straggle to survive may bring more joy.

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