Now I’m a Believer

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Popers » 02 Dec 2016, 16:01

Sharana wrote:After correction from Bobik I revise my statement. Personal claims can be placed in the wildness and they are fully protected from griefers 24/7, you can't steal anything from them. If you pay for the 25x10 claim you can make yourself fully protected village combining few claims...

So i guess it gives you advantage and not a small one if the
premium claim is over 2 times bigger than the original one...

Do you know how much real money is it suppose to cost to get premium personal claim?

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Aout » 02 Dec 2016, 18:04

Azzerhoden wrote:In a game like MO or even an oldie like UO, its not as bad, as the skill cap evens everyone out eventually. In LIF it means that someone will get to the skill cap faster but that is always unfair as it is ultimately based on the amount of time played. I'll be capped out in just a few days. Not with the skills I will ultimately be working toward, but with skills to build my stats where I want.

Now add in skill loss and that money someone spent just got wasted. In fact, some might consider it the ultimate in game player grief.

Okay. But what about the skill loss ? Am I wrong with postulating there will be skill loss when you are dead, depending on negative alignment ? I thought I've read somewhere that's a mechanic to 'punish' murderers. Correct me if I am wrong, but skill boosters would help counter that negative effect, no ?

And again, the game should not focus around skill gain. Grinding skills just suck. Never liked that in MO either. If you sell booster, you kinda have to make sure they are worth buying. I.e. have a slow enough skill progression.

I have pretty much accepted that it's going to have a monthly sub at this point, with free restricted accounts. I'll probably still check it out it at some point, the rest of the game is just too promising. Cash shop will always leave a bad taste, though. I may be stubborn but you can't talk me out of that. At the very least it takes away a possible game element (cosmetics as crafting/exploring type of activity).

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Azzerhoden » 03 Dec 2016, 02:29

Aout wrote:Okay. But what about the skill loss ? Am I wrong with postulating there will be skill loss when you are dead, depending on negative alignment ? I thought I've read somewhere that's a mechanic to 'punish' murderers. Correct me if I am wrong, but skill boosters would help counter that negative effect, no ?

You are correct, the more negative your alignment, the greater the skill loss. As a result a skill gain booster will help counter these effects. But then so does good food in the game, at a much higher skill gain multiplier. On the plus side, most players who go that route are less likely to spend any time grinding and will (hopefully) drop the game. They'll scream about LIF being too care-bear as well.

Aout wrote:I have pretty much accepted that it's going to have a monthly sub at this point, with free restricted accounts. I'll probably still check it out it at some point, the rest of the game is just too promising. Cash shop will always leave a bad taste, though. I may be stubborn but you can't talk me out of that. At the very least it takes away a possible game element (cosmetics as crafting/exploring type of activity).

As I mentioned before, I don't care for cash shops either. I also prefer a monthly sub approach. That's not the route Bitbox is going though. There are cons for going monthly, and prior to cash shops game companies would release 'new content expansions' that also seemed to make games easier over-all.

Bitbox has never been about the money though. The success of YO blew them away. The entire development of this game as been at a slow, steady pace focused on their core vision. I don't think they are going to throw that away for a quick buck.
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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Trenial » 03 Dec 2016, 17:08

Shout out to all fellow alpha testers/kickstarters...

3 years later gentleman.

ITS HAPPENING! :Yahoo!: :Yahoo!: :Yahoo!:

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Dragodor » 04 Dec 2016, 22:54


I'M A BELIEVER: :Yahoo!: :Yahoo!: :Yahoo!:

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Balex » 08 Dec 2016, 12:17

Iam waiing for a Better game "like M&B II Bannerlord" or i buy of Kings and Mens "in M&B dont exist something like Premium content shit" :beer:

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by MrTopbanana » 08 Dec 2016, 12:21

M n B is a pretty much different game. The singleplayer is awesome but the multiplayer is just a slaughter fest. LiF is not about this - and i find the fighting system of LiF better. But good luck - and i can agree about this "premium stuff" its sounds pretty bad right now - but we dont know what is meant with this - so chill ur tits and we gotta see.

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Wookiee420 » 09 Dec 2016, 21:15

my problem with this shit is, i need to wait another 5 days still

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Thegirlsofkiss » 10 Dec 2016, 07:20

Nice idea , but i hope that part of the funds will be destined to life is feudal Yo.

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Cian » 10 Dec 2016, 18:09

I wouldn't worry. I think mode of the things being coded are dual purpose and can be used in both games.
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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Wookiee420 » 10 Dec 2016, 18:47

also they have promised to keep YO alive and updating. The only catch to YO (and the one that i fear) is that you do not know what servers will stay after everyone is in the MMO. Will guilds/people pay for a server still while they are playing the MMO? Also what if the server is there but the population is on MMO?

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by TalibamWar » 11 Dec 2016, 12:43

жесть :shock:

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Tatarin_Style » 12 Dec 2016, 03:26

привет всем! :crazy:

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Azzerhoden » 12 Dec 2016, 05:09

Balex wrote:Iam waiing for a Better game "like M&B II Bannerlord" or i buy of Kings and Mens "in M&B dont exist something like Premium content shit" :beer:

Well hopefully you will contribute more there then you have here.
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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by FortuneTeller » 12 Dec 2016, 19:09

<3 Support for them Devs

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Joshua_Goldberg » 31 Mar 2017, 05:38

I thought about it I wonder tho what the premium benefits are

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Losthorizon350 » 04 Apr 2017, 06:31

Joshua_Goldberg wrote:I thought about it I wonder tho what the premium benefits are

Well, they're reasonable. For instance, you'll get one ticket, which can take you from newbie island to the mainland. And the newbie island is a land of a weekly wipe. Everything is wiped with the start of a new week.

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Khan- » 04 Apr 2017, 07:28

Losthorizon350 wrote:Well, they're reasonable. For instance, you'll get one ticket, which can take you from newbie island to the mainland. And the newbie island is a land of a weekly wipe. Everything is wiped with the start of a new week.

it's supposed to be DAILY wiped

and premium has nothing to do with the ticket to the mainland... we still don't know what the premium is, and devs said they didn't know what it would be when they announced it...
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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by JTCrowder1 » 04 Apr 2017, 12:40

Pay you again? I'd rather suck wax fruit!

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Djdizx » 07 Apr 2017, 08:44

Wookiee420 wrote:also they have promised to keep YO alive and updating. The only catch to YO (and the one that i fear) is that you do not know what servers will stay after everyone is in the MMO. Will guilds/people pay for a server still while they are playing the MMO? Also what if the server is there but the population is on MMO?

The Old Guys Gaming server will certainly be staying open.

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Samantha.l.white » 02 Jun 2017, 19:52

I just need to say that i love the sound of this game, i bought in as a zealot. i have always loved sandbox survival games. i played Wurm online on and off for a while, the one thing i hated in that game was the mechanics to fight. select and click attack is so boring. I love how yours is similar in other aspects but your fighting is so much better. One thing i do want to know is, will your housing that you have set up as preset houses be a final thing or just a test for now? I really love the idea of being about to build my own house in my own design in many different ways. I have always love creating new strange houses in my games. haven't a preset house while it may be nice just doesn't make it as personal. its fun to built from scratch and see what people come up with.

id love to hear what you have to say, and i understand if its just easier to give people pre-made houses instead of the equipment to make their own. :)
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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by DeafPoni » 06 Jul 2017, 06:53

Hi there,

With all the old, outdated or misleading posts out there, I would just like to have final clarity on one question:

If I'm a LiF:YO owner (since Feb 2015).
Steam verified,
and a Devoted Believer.

How many character tickets will I get, in total, when I log into the MMO on release day?

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Re: Now I’m a Believer

Post by Arrakis » 07 Jul 2017, 01:11

DeafPoni wrote:Hi there,

With all the old, outdated or misleading posts out there, I would just like to have final clarity on one question:

If I'm a LiF:YO owner (since Feb 2015).
Steam verified,
and a Devoted Believer.

How many character tickets will I get, in total, when I log into the MMO on release day?

Nothing has changed. One ticket for being LiF:YO owner and two tickets for Devoted pack.

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