For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

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Joined: 05 Sep 2017, 21:13


Post by Damienaspin » 23 Oct 2017, 18:28

Well I bought the MMO (couldnt wait :P) and looking for a guild to join in with. Im not after charity or to be babied but looking for a guild where I would be a useful member of the team.
I have got just over 200 hours on LiF, have played as a variety of the skills/trades and understand how the game works (so no having to train a noob, although im sure theres more to learn).
I am from the UK so ill play most evenings after work and definitely on the weekends (very active gamer if playing in a group).
Im 29, my name is damien but ingame name is agathor Nerdbane.
I have applied for a couple of guilds now and having no mic seems to be an issue (sorry but I just dont understand the need :P) and I dont really want one, I get that its a social game but I have gotten on just fine without a mic. Dont want to put peope off with that but I just dont like chatting online with a mic after some of the weirdos ive come across in the past :P
My name on steam is Sir.Nerdbane so add me on there or message me on here which ever is easier, looking forward to taking up arms :D

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Post by DeadMedic » 24 Oct 2017, 18:43

A mic is required to communicate with anyone in the mmo. Im sure you can meet people and play that way, but its like starting at a disadvantage. I never invite people without a mic, it would be like trying to complete a group activity with a deaf/mute person.
If your the first person to notice were under attack how would you warn your guild mates. You don't have to be in voice chat all the time but to meet people for critical moments and combat.

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Joined: 22 Jul 2016, 09:25


Post by Akkiarin » 25 Oct 2017, 07:50

Hi Damien

Please add me on Discord: Akkiarin#7656 or on Steam: elphillipeh and we can discuss you perhaps joining our guild (:

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Joined: 17 Mar 2016, 07:19


Post by BericDondarrion1 » 25 Oct 2017, 08:05

Hey Damien, we are currently recruiting, we're an organised MMO guild with lots of plans, we're currently part of one of the largest alliances, Dark Age Coalition. If you're interested in a fun experience and gaining lots of fighting experience we're the place for you. Add me on discord Beric Ashenfell #4653 Image

True Believer
Posts: 4
Joined: 05 Sep 2017, 21:13


Post by Damienaspin » 25 Oct 2017, 17:04

DeadMedic wrote:A mic is required to communicate with anyone in the mmo. Im sure you can meet people and play that way, but its like starting at a disadvantage. I never invite people without a mic, it would be like trying to complete a group activity with a deaf/mute person.
If your the first person to notice were under attack how would you warn your guild mates. You don't have to be in voice chat all the time but to meet people for critical moments and combat.

Well as long as your guild uses teamspeak or discord theres a thing called text talk, have used all the time and other people didnt mind. Plus on discord you can set the robot voice for a particular person.
Ty for the advice but i do get on fine :)

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