[NA] County of Bergental

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

True Believer
Posts: 1
Joined: 12 Mar 2017, 01:24

[NA] County of Bergental

Post by Trug » 18 Nov 2017, 03:25


Bergental is based on two guiding principles - commerce and defense. To that end, we are the ideal home for those who are hard working, industrious and willing to fight to keep what is theirs.

Our pastoral setting grants us access to a bounty of natural resources, including timber, minerals and limited agricultural products. Players interested in harvesting these resources and crafting finished products will be welcomed with open arms.

Of course, with resources come bandits, and we cannot ignore our defenses. As such, swordsmen, cavalry, archers and other warriors will find Bergental to be a very rewarding posting. The County depends on commerce to thrive, and commerce depends on the roads staying open, and undesirables staying out. Whether it is escorting trade caravans, guarding the walls, manning checkpoints, or going on longer range patrols, a keen blade and a sharp eye will always be in demand.

Code of Conduct:

    - Most basic rule: Don't be a jerk. Follow this, and you will have no issues in Bergental.

    - We are not and never will be the aggressor. If someone else wants to start a fight, we will happily finish it. But we will not bully, harrass, threaten or engage in acts of piracy against other guilds unless otherwise ordered.

    - We will only accept members age 25 or older, mature 21+ on a case-by-case basis. We are a group of working adults who want to play to have fun, not have to worry about teenage angst-driven drama. Only middle-aged angst is permitted.

    - Respect in chat/voice. We are all adults, so swearing is perfectly fine. However, if a person feels uncomfortable or is offended by a particular term, please respect that and don't use it. "Raped" as a synonym for "pwnd" is a good example of a term that probably won't fly with mixed company. See rule 1.

    - Role play is not a must, but have at it if you want to. OOC is the norm, however.

    - Remember that this is a game, and we're here to have a good time. Why so serious?

How to Apply:

You may post here, send me a PM on the forums, or send me a message on Discord, username Trug#3650. You may also join our Discord to ask any questions or apply for membership, link https://discord.gg/J6YnuMb.

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