[NA] DMNA Recruiting

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

True Believer
Posts: 4
Joined: 25 Oct 2016, 06:22

[NA] DMNA Recruiting

Post by Alexiaous » 19 Nov 2017, 09:01

You heard right - DMNA - is recruiting for its LIF shenanigans. Some of you may know us from EVE or other mmos. Some of you may have had the misfortune of interacting with us in LIFYO. Well, now is your chance to join our multigaming community.

We have over a decade of experience, across multiple games, playing together. We are organized and always looking to have some fun at someone else's expense.

We don't RP.
We don't care.
We are here to ruin your game.

As one our members said, "if you ever wanted to throw sand in someones eyes, while yelling 'REEE', and collecting tears' this is the group for you.

As you may have guessed from the above blurb, we are a pvp/pk/bandit/raiding/mercenary/griefing/no fucks given organization. If you don't care about your alignment, or have an alt to deal with that issue, we may be the place for you.

If this sounds like what you are looking for - post in this thread and we will get you set up with a quick chat.

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