» 08 Jan 2018, 14:50
/claimrule {town, realm, yo, personal} {char, guild, role, standing} {character_first_name, guild_name, <1-7>, <1-5>} {00000-11111}
The standing exist for personal in the command, it also exist on the website version of it but obviously isnt used in game, which is the bug. I can understand that there is no actual standing toward personal entity but then it should simply mean that only neutral standing is used for default permission (or add a new permission category for default whichever you prefer).
It doesnt change the fact that under the current system, you can add standing permission to personal claim (just look at my claim, the standing entries are on it). The option is here and "accepted" without error on both the website UI version of the personal claim and the chat command. This is a bug no matter how you look at it.
Now offcourse, you can take the extremely lazy way of "fixing" it by removing the option from the ui and saying that you cannot change default permission on a personal claim, but that kinda goes against the whole sandbox thing.
All i am hoping for is a way to set the default permissions for my personal claim, nothing more, nothing less.