Just happened few minutes ago on Avalon EU server node 8.
Instant Battle totem was placed and the battle should start tonight at 21:00 CET. New ruleset for Avalon (PvP) intervened and there was no popup for IB at all.
40+ players were waiting 1h if anything happen after the JH ends. But the only thing was that we loose the IB totem.
So I am asking you, Arakis, is this intened and we shall avoid placing IB totems at JH time (wed/fri/sat/sun 20:00-22:00 CET) OR was it a bug and IB can start even during JH?
We are just sad and iritated that we lost our totem (and all materials needed to build it) and all those players just wasted their time.
Thanks for your answer and IMHO IB should be allowed during JH time.