Modding Question regarding local startPosition = fv.core.gameMap:getStartPoint()

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Joined: 12 Sep 2019, 07:03

Modding Question regarding local startPosition = fv.core.gameMap:getStartPoint()

Post by Dave-oh » 17 Sep 2019, 02:36

OK so local startPosition = fv.core.gameMap:getStartPoint() is it grid related or pixel related. Here's why I'm trying to create a mod that starts with houses but have found in testing that the start positions relative to the road grid seems to vary making it impossible for my building placement to provide a option for good road placement. The StartPoint is grid based coordinates then I can divide by 4, extract the remainder and use a boolean statement such as startrpoint +(2*(rmndr<.25))+(1*(rmndr>.25 and rmndr<.5)) Etcetera bit if there is a value higher than 1 real number ber grid space I'll have to figure that out to make the proper adjustments. I realize my syntax may be lacking but I can figure that out after I determine StartPoint()s relation the the game grid.

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