DE/EU RPG Server mit Events

Moderators: Docere, Gordon der Eiserne

Posts: 13
Joined: 04 Oct 2014, 12:13

DE/EU RPG Server mit Events

Post by Acerbitas » 05 Oct 2014, 02:10

Hello everyone,
im part of a small comunity that started a few days ago on a fresh server.
Our goals are to keep the server as realistic as possibel, without any admin
abuse or player griefing. We would be happy about RPG players same as we
would be about new players that we can help out. We alsow, after we finished
the capital city, are planing to have server events like hunting/fishing contests, tournaments and duells for various prices.
Bandits and Raiders will be fought !

For the german speaking who want to join our ranks:
Unsere Comunity sucht:
Spieler über 20
Mindestens 2 stunden on pro tag
Headset + Ts
Bitte keine Hirntoten

For server informations add me on steam (plase tell me your age and the reason of joining the server)

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Joined: 02 Oct 2014, 11:36
Location: Germany - Bodensee

Re: DE/EU RPG Server mit Events

Post by Blackout » 05 Oct 2014, 02:23

Bitte keine Hirntoten :crazy: :good:

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