The combat skill system and why it is terribly flawed.

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The combat skill system and why it is terribly flawed.

Post by Tayu » 04 Nov 2014, 22:06

I'm posting this in feedback because I've played video games for a good 15 or so years, so when I see design this bad, I have to speak up.

The combat skill system needs some serious tweaks.

Here are examples and reasons on why I think it's badly designed.

1. I have to use a spear for a long enough time to be allowed to PUNCH things! It's just completely illogical, who knows how to use a spear before they learn how to punch? On top of that I have to use padded armor for long enough to be able to use the spear? That doesn't make any damn sense at all.

2. I have to throw things long enough to be able to wear leather armor? Okay, kinda dumb but not a big deal. But then I have to use the armor to be allowed to use a crossbow? What the heck! Then I have to use a crossbow long enough to be able to use a regular bow? SERIOUSLY?! I understand that bows take a lot more skill to use than a crossbow. But bows were used by people for the longest time before crossbows were even Invented!

3. Regarding shields, any moron can pick up an object and hold it in front of themselves to protect them. The amount of times you've swung a sword should have nothing to do with being able to use a shield.

In conclusion, these are the biggest examples of HUGE design flaws. They are design flaws because they break immersion, just plain don't make sense and take away from the feeling of realism in the game.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please feel free to ask questions if I haven't explained things well enough.

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Re: The combat skill system and why it is terribly flawed.

Post by Siegbert » 05 Nov 2014, 05:58

Agreed... we had this topic a few times.
I think you should be able to use anything but lacking the skills you'll be terrible at it at first.

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Re: The combat skill system and why it is terribly flawed.

Post by VindicteMortis » 08 Nov 2014, 15:05

Its a game

and the current skill system is great at what its supposed to do.

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Re: The combat skill system and why it is terribly flawed.

Post by General-Zod » 10 Nov 2014, 21:33

Yes, Weapon skill design in it's current state is Illogical

With the game being in early development my assumption is that the developers threw the skills together in this fashion was to mitigate the use of weapons too early on. Ill explain further with another example of this...

The way the game is set up your first weapon will under fall under the Militia skill line and the best weapon under this line is the Pitchfork.

One can place 60 skill in 2hd sword at character creation and have the capability to use a Claymore for example however, Claymores require Thick leather to make which the skill Construction needs to be a (45) to make the Drying Frame (to hang the skin). You also need (60) in Procuration which in turn you need Animal Lore at (60) to use the Tanning tub which takes a bit of time.

Realistically to make a Claymore it should only require the necessary metal and a Long Handle made from a billet. Thick Leather should not be required. But it's done this way because using a wood component would make it too easy for somebody to use a powerful weapon from start.

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Re: The combat skill system and why it is terribly flawed.

Post by Worldsprayer » 15 Nov 2014, 08:26

The construction should have little meaning in when you use it. The ideal goal so far as I understand it in the end is that everyone will buy the stuff they need from someone else for the most part. A warrior will likely not be making his own weapons because that involves a crap ton of skills to do. I can see leather being used for the grip as a sheer wooden handle would become slippery from sweat.
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