Dear Dev-Team, dear fellow Players
I am a member of the organization team of the german RP-Server “Rittergut Hammerstein”.
We just want to share our experience in hosting the game for a big community and what we wish to be implemented in the future...gamemaster wise.
So far we’ve implemented a couple of systems beyond the normal gameplay experience.
We have:
Conquer Mode, in which factions of players conquer the Map in a “Risk” Way
2 Maps of the island, one to see how conquer mode is developing and an more precise Map of the Island, with all towns and cities included, as well as the trading goods available at every town
Ressource Drop(related to conquer mode) - Every Part of the Map(there are 72 Parts in total) has a warehouse in which we drop precious ressources to a given time with a scipt. Claiming the warehouse is forbidden so if a faction wants to get these ressources they have to defend it while gathering the ressources.
Grandmaster Builder to hire - since it is currently impossible to build stone walls and such on flattened sloped terrain, players can bid for the hirement of a GM which places desired Buildings where the player wants in a 30min timeframe
Whilst thinking about ways to improve Gameplay Experience for our players we encountered different problems that make improving gameplay ever so hard.
What we wish:
A System to show the normal users, what a GM is doing, call it a “GM-Tracker”
We see a lot of ppl quit because of Admin abuse, now this is not a problem of our server but it would bring back a lot of discouraged players to life is feudal overall.
- Tools to set different stages of GM rights, f.e.
GM with all rights possible
GM with just the right to delete stuff
GM with just the right to build stuff
GM with just the right to look around in flight mode to oversee Roleplay-Events or Events in general
- GM Tools for terraforming and flatten large areas with one click.
- GM Tools for closing Tunnels and large holes in the world. Maybe the option to mark an area and set it back to its original state
- GM Tool to teleport to players, and the possibility to auto follow an player in flight mode.
- Chat has to be usable in flight mode for GM
It has been a real pleasure so far hoosting a LiF Server and it would be really nice if you guys could make it a little bit easier -)
Best regards