I think we can all dream about having some Mount And Blade combat, but sadly its probably not going to happen(Even though the game said it would).
Anyhow first off on the combat note they need to change their whole stam system, at least make it so combat mode and out of combat mode use the same amount of stam for movement(or just make it so the character runs a tad faster in combat mode but uses more stam).
Stam regen is way to high atm especially when your not in combat mode, they just need to balance them probably with the same stam regen for a quick fix and nerf the stam regen a bit so you would want manage your stam better.
When your moving while holding your weapon for a swing you should use more stam w and also the same for when you have your bow drawn for too long, but this would affect you even when your standing still(just makes the kiting a little harder).
-How i see the direction combat is going atm i feel that the combat is going to be like a slowed down chivalry, where ping matters a lot less, but it's a double edge sword because you don't get the sweet twitch combat.
-On a side note if they had MO combat i would be perfectly find with it as long as it was balanced it and fixed shields to as they were in mount & blade, but with more dura. But what MO shows you if anything that you can have a form of mount and blade combat in a One Server mmorpg.