Pikes seem fine(hit box off some still), but it doesn't throw the momentum of the horse into the damage calculation, it will do high damage if the target is just standing there or a full gallop it doesn't matter. I really think pike need to go off momentum, just kinda breaks the whole purpose of pike imo,Example->
Got my friend on a horse coming at me with a lance he misses(i do my pike attack late) and goes by me, I rotate around and get a stab on the horse for 100 damage, if any damage it should of been quite low since the horse is actually running from me. Oh, another thing you probably shouldn't be able to rotate all the way around in the pike stance.
Another instances is when i can hit my friend resting in plate for over 100 damage with the pike stance.
Seems no matter what weapon your using on a horse or on the ground it doesn't add the momentum bonus to the attack damage if a horseman is galloping at you.
Now about lances, seems the hit box is off(like most of the weapons in this game
), but when you actually get a hit it only does 60 damage D:, it really needs the bonus damage for momentum being a double edge sword and on one hand ups your damage, but will also up your attackers damage.