Some of these 1h buffs might have gotten a little out of hand, guys.
The main thing that's bothering me is that a 1h sword, the Knight Sword, now does more damage in every respect than the same sword in 2h form, the Estoc. But this isn't the only example.
Now there is no reason to use an Estoc rather than a Knight Sword, or a Bastard Sword instead of a Nordic Sword. There's simply no choice to be had with these 1h buffs, Nordic Sword and Knight Sword simply outclass the 2h swords now.
Furthermore, Scimitar and Light Saber now beat out Flamberge and Zweihaender for slashing damage (Falchion would too, but speed bonuses seem to be lower on the Falchion so you can't get as much damage)
In my opinion, this is a large problem. In no scenario should you have 1h weapons outdamaging similarly classed 2h weapons.
(1h axes seem to be balanced a bit better compared to 2h axes, 2h axes are rightfully outdamaging 1hs)