Poor Combat - Ways to Improve

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Poor Combat - Ways to Improve

Post by Trenix » 15 Mar 2016, 18:32

I understand that combat is not finished, but I do think that it requires some immediate attention. I personally don't believe the combat in this game revolves around skill, but rather exploits. This is very frustrating for those who don't know these exploits and are doing their best to protect themselves and their property from intruders and bandits, who clearly know these exploits. Let me break it down for you...


This needs to be drastically nerfed. It's not realistic for someone who's fully geared up to be walking backwards which seems to be as fast as walking forward, but don't quote me on that. It's not only fictional, but unfair and not very fun either. Accidentally tripping over something behind you could cost your life, so I could only believe that if they were to backpedal, they'd do it VERY slowly.

So in my opinion, backing up while in combat should be extremely slow, giving the person who's charging at you an advantage as it should. Also going in and out of combat needs a proper nerf. Give players a timer before they can go back in combat once again. If you're in combat, you're in combat. You should not be switching back and forth with full freedom. This is an exploit, like shooting a gun and jumping at the same time.

I want a quality fight for once, where we can parry, block, and do combos. Right now all I see is backpedaling, which make for poor quality battles.

Points of View

Third point of view is good for melee and first point of view is good for ranged. Doing first point of view in melee, you can barely see what you're doing or what's going on and third point of view in ranged is just completely off with the cursor. It's great that you guys give us options, but these options hurt players who want to play their way but can't because of obvious disadvantages.

These optional features are ultimately senseless and frustrating. Mind as well just restrict us to help those who don't know better, giving them an actual chance to defend themselves. I'm all for fair fights.

Ranged Shooting

I believe I'm a good shooter and am able to aim and shoot with good accuracy in a game where it's pretty hard to actually shoot in, when compared to others. However, the shooting is rather glitchy. Using your life click button to build distance and shoot is conflicting. Sometimes it gets bugged and I waste and arrow when I'm trying to build distance. This can cause unnecessary friendly fire and a waste of arrows.

I would highly recommend using the right click to build distance and left click to shoot as other games have it. It's a lot better to shoot that way. I also have a problem where I'm not sure if my character is ready to build distance with another arrow and that is what causes the issues that I mentioned above.

Login Killing

I should have vulnerability upon login. This is pretty self explanatory and seems very easy to implement so I'm not sure why it's not in effect yet. If the mechanic is there, why have I been very recently killed before logging in?

Spawn Killing

There is nothing in effect to stop people from killing you repeatedly. It's wrong to punish people who aren't able to defend themselves and weren't even the aggressor. Without a doubt, for at least an hour after death, don't all us to lose skill points if we die again. Have this only happen to players with positive alignment.

Combat Logging

It's highly recommended that you fix this. It's a clear exploit which is completely unfair. To fix this you should set a 20 second timer when a person attempts to log off. You should still give us the option to automatically logout, but have our character remain in the world until the timer is up.

Give these people an disadvantage, not an advantage. I've seen many people flee, hide, and combat log, making it hard to get evidence if they did or didn't. It's pretty obvious that they did though, because prayer to homecoming gives off a noticeable sound when used. Frankly I'm tired of taking screenshots and reporting to admins to get exploiters banned.

Unarmored Combat

This needs to be greatly nerfed. Who in their right mind would only equip a weapon and go out for battle without any protection? There is no realism in this. They do this intentionally for that extra movement speed and even when struck, they don't die or get knocked out instantly, which is even more unrealistic.

Weapons are easy to make. Have players come with armors which are harder and more expensive to make. I'll be more than happy to fight off people who I can gain from. Right now the people who play correctly are the ones who are being screwed. This insane mobility they have for being unarmored is ridiculous. When I kill them, I get little to nothing and if they kill me after the constant attacks, they get my full gear. How is this even fair?

There is many ways to nerf this behavior. Some examples...

This needs to be greatly nerfed. Who in their right mind would only equip a weapon and go out for battle without any protection? There is no realism in this. They do this intentionally for that extra movement speed and even when struck, they don't die or get knocked out instantly, which is even more unrealistic.

Weapons are easy to make. Have players come with armors which are harder and more expensive to make. I'll be more than happy to fight off people who I can gain from. Right now the people who play correctly are the ones who are at a disadvantage. This insane mobility they have for being unarmored is ridiculous. When I kill them, I get little to nothing and if they kill me after the constant attacks since hording weapons is absurdly easy, they get my full gear. How is this even fair?

There is many ways to nerf this behavior. Some examples...

Accidental Injuries - Attacking another player with a weapon when unarmored gives you a 15% of accidentally injuring yourself. This is both for ranged and melee combat. The place where you're unarmored will receive the injury, so make sure you're fully geared. The more gear you have on yourself, the less chance you will accidentally injury yourself. Having full set of gear, will prevent you completely from injuring yourself.

Increased Unarmored Damage - You should take significantly more damage when hit in a place that is unarmored, way more than currently. Took me about 2-3 hits with a maul on an unarmored player which is far from realistic. Even if he was struck with my handle of the maul, still should knock him out pretty easily without any protection. It was high quality and I had high skill, so something is wrong here.

Terrified Debuff - When striking an armored player when unarmored, you should get a debuff called terrified. For 30 seconds your accuracy should drop significantly and you should have a chance of stumbling and falling down. You should have at least 3 types of armor pieces equipped to prevent this debuff.

You guys should encourage people with no gear to flee, it's as simple as that. Right now we have raiders running around naked with a single weapons and VERY little disadvantage. Not realistic and not fun.
Last edited by Trenix on 19 Mar 2016, 21:19, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Poor Combat - Ways to Improve

Post by Battlepaw » 16 Mar 2016, 23:59

Have to agree on ya about a few things, especially first person. One of the things I liked about many other games that used shields was that you could see where they blocked in 1st person. I'ts almost impossible to do that. You should see where the shield is at.

While we are on shields, I'll also comment that they are still kinda broke where you can take shield damage that hurts the player even if the shot hit the shield. I believe that this is an old bug, but still hasn't been completely fixed yet. I see it most often when I hit the inside of a shield that someone is wearing on their back.

The single most annoying thing about large battles is that everyone tends to crash a lot. The crash behaves like a memory leak that builds up over a day/night cycle everyone who has been rendering a lot of bases or area and have been through most of or at least one day/night cycle will always crash when rendering new players in or bases in on a regular basis. It dosen't matter if it's a 8 gig video card or a 3 gig, or lower, it dosen't matter settings, or anything. The last raid I was on everyone who arrived at a certain time all crashed within minutes of each other.

The game is far too unstable to penalize players for crashing. When you crash it should give you a debuff that allows you to pray home and you are invulnerable for about 60 seconds or so so long as you don't imput any movement keys. That way if you were riding a horse or falling at the time of the crash you won't lose it. Wurm had a feature like that, where you were completely invulnerable upon logon until you moved, etc. Mostly it was implemented to prevent spawn killing or waiting for enemies to log on to kill them.

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Re: Poor Combat - Ways to Improve

Post by Trenix » 18 Mar 2016, 05:56

Battlepaw wrote:The game is far too unstable to penalize players for crashing. When you crash it should give you a debuff that allows you to pray home and you are invulnerable for about 60 seconds or so so long as you don't imput any movement keys. That way if you were riding a horse or falling at the time of the crash you won't lose it. Wurm had a feature like that, where you were completely invulnerable upon logon until you moved, etc. Mostly it was implemented to prevent spawn killing or waiting for enemies to log on to kill them.

Logging out and crashing are entirely different and I'm positive that the server can read them differently. I do feel that people who crash should get some benefit of the doubt.

Also looks like recent patch has fixed ranged shooting. I do still believe that the game should do the right click for distance and left click to shoot mechanic, but at least the shooting is now glitch free, except for the 3rd point of view of course.

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Re: Poor Combat - Ways to Improve

Post by Jairone » 26 Mar 2016, 00:34

I think a number of fixes you suggested are very good. I'd say a 70% movement speed multiplier for backward movement would be solid overall. Where you can rarely move backward on a flat surface at full speed unencumbered, that's just not worth worrying about compared to the backpedal combat issues.

Also, I would like to see a different system for combat with weight, where strength not only decreases the penalty but allows for a certain amount of weight to be equivalent to unencumbered. This would make light armor very useful for mobility rather than just naked. I'd also like to see the damage taken go up a little with lighter armors (2 hits in cloth with a good weapon would be sensible for example.) Also, the encumbrance reductions need to be boosted quite a bit. A person in full armor charging can move at nearly full speed (unless the armor is tourney plate, which was never used in real combat.) Strength, outside of adding a little melee damage, is currently useless with the way people are exploiting these systems.

Honestly damage numbers overall should be buffed (no reason why a deer should take 10 arrows to kill) and armor values increased slightly. Some creatures (bears) should have natural armor. The end result would be that naked and light armors would fall into place better for this, but heavier armors would remain at a similar setup for how much damage is taken. Combine this with some changes to the encumbrance and a slower backpedal and it will fix many problems here.

One final note is that movement should make it much more difficult to hit with ranged weapons. The RNG of the attacks with them should be vastly increased. It is an incredibly difficult thing to do. Standing still long enough to fire should return to the normal variance of where the shot can go. This will allow a fair bit of mobility without leaving ranged attackers with complete mobility making melee at too large a disadvantage.

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Re: Poor Combat - Ways to Improve

Post by Stianos » 09 Apr 2016, 21:41

You make a lot of good points. The movement speed issue in general is probably the thing that really needs to be changed. The difference between someone well equipped in full plate and a naked shouldn't be as significant as it is now. Someone naked should be able to flee from someone in full plate when not trying to fight, but the whole kiting fight method makes the combat completely awful and gimmicky.

Just reduce the penalty armor gives for movement speed, its not even like its realistic... a skilled and trained soldier in plate can still move at roughly the same speed as someone with no armor on, plate armor was not that heavy.

+1 for the backpedaling suggestion though :)
+1 for increasing damage against players with no armor

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