Hi guys, forgive me if this topic has appeared before..
Ok why oh why should someone like myself bother to invest time and skills in cooking? I know food has a positive affect on skill gain X ( I think) , but any player can get by surviving entirely on apples or foraged items.
Until some sort or starvation mechanic is introduced or severe negative impact from malnutrition it`s all pointless in my opinion. This leads onto other points in the game when playing on a full or MMO server... Obviously if a town needs cooks/farmers they may want to go out their way to poach/entice other players from neighbouring villages etc. This also stopped in its tracks by "survive by apples" method.
Malnutrition and starvation should lead to extremely poor crafting results, produce quality, weak fighting and so on.
I have based this on primarily my own experience living in a village with 8 plus others.