Looking for Guild to prep/play for MMO release

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

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Looking for Guild to prep/play for MMO release

Post by Lannater » 02 Apr 2016, 18:21

I have about 250 hours logged into LiF so I'm not new but it's been a while since I've played and will need to catch up on new game mechanics, and refresh my skills. Im excited for the release of the MMO ive been waiting for a long time
-I'm looking for a guild to get involved that will carry over into the MMO
-I'm pretty open to whatever play style you need me to be, please don't just stick me to digging all day. But I don't mind putting in my fair share of work.
-my steam name is iCastro/Lannater if you would like to reach out to me through there

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Re: Looking for Guild to prep/play for MMO release

Post by Gastenns » 02 Apr 2016, 18:32

hey Lannater, I couldn't find you on steam but were happy to talk to you about it. Im With Vanir Krigsmen and were a pretty active/organized guild in the YO/MMO. We will enter the MMO with a large group and a good plan. If you would like to talk to us and see if were a good fit for each other feel free to apply on the forums http://lifeisfeudal.com/forum/vanirs-krigsmen-recruitment-t14691/ and/or add me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016205276/

True Believer
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Joined: 15 Jan 2015, 00:43

Re: Looking for Guild to prep/play for MMO release

Post by Lannater » 02 Apr 2016, 19:15

http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lananter/ This is my URL And yes Ill go ahead and look into the guild

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Re: Looking for Guild to prep/play for MMO release

Post by Demiwar » 02 Apr 2016, 19:59

I invite you to check out Silver Sun Republic (silver-sun-republic-t553/). We are currently hosting a server with a few other groups preparing for the MMO beta and would love to have you. Our server is mostly developed and we have shifted our focus to combat and organisation. I am even starting up a gladiator style fight league on our server that I hope to take public with the MMO.

Posts: 7
Joined: 08 Apr 2016, 19:07

Re: Looking for Guild to prep/play for MMO release

Post by Biest1155 » 16 Dec 2016, 23:21

You want a good community, cool events, and Admins that are present. Visit http://bai.shivtr.com/
This is a nice server with room for everybody. Become part of major cities, or start your own settlement. Join the North empire or the South kingdom. Be neutrel, be all that you want. Personel experience, is one of the best servers without griefers and random attacks. There are rules, but they are fair. Take a look at the server website for more info.

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