The Thirteenth Legion

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2016, 01:40

The Thirteenth Legion

Post by Johnno13 » 21 Dec 2016, 03:08

The Thirteenth Legion is recruiting players to join our ranks. We are a Guild that has been together now for about 9 years playing all different kinds of MMO games such as Lord of the Rings Online, Star Wars the Old Republic, World Of Warcraft, and many more. Our goal in this game is to have fun, be social and RP, drink some ale, PVP, and live in the middle ages! We have Teamspeak, facebook group, and website available. Most of our player base are night owls. Our most active times are going to be from 9pm to 4am cst. If you are interested in joining our ranks please visit our website . If you would like to talk to someone in game you can send, Husniye Heidrun, Hurin Thaliond, Inigo Montoya, Spazimus Smood, or Johno Antony a message.

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