Since this Patch (topic) my game keeps crashing on almost every action totaly randomly.
1. Login start moving -> crash 2. Walk up the hill to others -> crash 3. rightclick on tree -> crash 4. Press ESC after login -> crash 5. Crash directly on login 6. Login Open Map -> crash
I just keep crashing every 5 min or even less. All Crashlogs sent.
Before it crashed less.
OS: Windows 10 Pro 64x Hardware: Intel Core i7-5960X GeForce GTX 980TI 32GB DDR4-3000
Arrakis wrote:Have you tried creating new characters and checking if it will crash there?
Create new character, stucking on initialiazation, type "connectToGameServer", logined to the gameserver into the base city. Then relogging to main character and game works.
Name: Singlas Guild: Legion Ocupation: Apotecary, Herbalist, Healer;