Anyone interested in a drama free guild?

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

Zealous Believer
Posts: 4
Joined: 15 Aug 2016, 08:25

Anyone interested in a drama free guild?

Post by KingDjinn » 27 Dec 2016, 10:30


I've scoured the forums and have been bombarded with topics about politics, roleplaying and official structured organisations telling you where you stand within their ranks and what you can and can not do. While some people may enjoy that kind of thing, I'm of the opinion that there is enough drama in real life and for this reason I've decided to start my own kingdom.

The only rule is don't mess with other people in our kingdom.

People are responsible for their own actions and have to deal with the repercussions. This does not mean that we wouldn't fight as a group but no one will be forced into fighting if they don't want to or a profession they don't want to do.

I just want to have comrades that I can chill, chat, build, fight and have fun with.

If this is the kind of guild you'd like then feel free to reply to this topic or send me a message.

Kind Regards,

Devoted Believer
Posts: 7
Joined: 30 Apr 2016, 01:28

Re: Anyone interested in a drama free guild?

Post by Latrus » 28 Dec 2016, 15:41

Libertarian guild for feudal times? I'm intrigued..

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