Everstorm Recruitment Agency

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

True Believer
Posts: 12
Joined: 04 Dec 2016, 18:30

Everstorm Recruitment Agency

Post by Spaceturtle7 » 18 Jan 2017, 05:29

Hello and welcome to Life is Feudal!
Everstorm recruitment agency here looking to entice
new and experienced players alike.

Are you prior service? A lot of us are.

Do you want to choose your own role instead of being
a piece to someone’s puzzle?

Are you looking to have fun in game and with the
players around you?

Look no further; you found what you’re looking for!

We here at Everstorm and searching for active, mature
members that decide their own fate and have fun doing so.
We have experienced, knowledgeable members willing and eager
to assist you with all your PvP/crafting needs and desires.
We support any gameplay styles. If you want to destroy
and maim your enemy's or focus purely on the crafting to
support them. Ensure our victory through blood, steel, and stone.

There are only two requirements here: have fun with us
building an empire, and have fun with this amazing new and
growing game: Life is Feudal MMO

Apply on our website http://www.everstormgaming.com/
or Message me on Discord: Wreak #1128
or also join us on our training server in LIF:YO
[NA/EU] Everstormgaming MMO Prep No Rules Hardcore PVP

Thank you for your time and we hope to see you soon!
Semper Feudal

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