New EU guild Order of Baldo LFP

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.
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Zealous Believer
Posts: 46
Joined: 07 Jan 2017, 17:00

New EU guild Order of Baldo LFP

Post by Fushdk » 23 Feb 2017, 12:20

We are a new guild there are looking for more members.

We are:
We do not random attack, steal or troll others.
We help other frienly guild the best be can.
We support our alliances and other guilds we have as friends the best we can.

Importent for us:

If you like to know more about us, then you can get to me on steam here:

In game with the name Fush.

On our TS with the IP:
Poke me or a admin if you cant get the the room we are in.
I apologize for my spelling as I am dyslexic

We play to have fun, and that is why we play.

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