EU MMO Guild: RavenBanner recruiting

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EU MMO Guild: RavenBanner recruiting

Post by Seather » 08 Mar 2017, 04:47

As most Guilds we have a fun and friendly community of players, and as most we are looking for New members to join Our ranks of players.

We dont have many rules or requirements appart from that you need to be able to communicate in English, and act as an adult.

Greifing,looting and harrasing other players for no reason is not what we are looking for in Our player traits, and these behaviors are unwanted.
We do of corse have a pvp oriented players, as this game demands this during war or raids.

we are a small and fairly Young guild, and we hope that this is what you might be looking for.
Send me a pm and il get back to you :)

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