The Varangian Guard[TVG] Recruitment post!

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

True Believer
Posts: 6
Joined: 28 Jun 2017, 21:44

The Varangian Guard[TVG] Recruitment post!

Post by Dancealot » 04 Sep 2017, 01:10

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The Varangian Guard is an active Life is feudal MMO guild, with the intention of becoming one of the most elite fighting forces on the game, we have a very competitive, yet cooperative mindset, understanding teamwork is important to succeed.
Regardless of our competitive mindset, we understand the importance of the PvE elements in the game and although we require all members to take part in our combat training exercises, we know that some people are better at PvE planning and other PvE related tasks, hard workers are hard to come by, but we welcome them here in the Varangian Guard, we aim to protect everyone in our ranks, whether they are at the pinnacle of their ability, or have room to improve, all members have a part to play.

We are looking for the following

⚔PVE players, PVE+PVP players
⚔Veteran, Experienced or New
⚔People who want to lead or follow
⚔Small groups can also join

Ranking Structure

Our ranking structure is key to our organisation and ability to run at optimal efficieny, chaos within the guild and ranks, without understanding of where you stand in the guild, leads to poor decisions being made. Climbing the ranks is possible with hard work and committment to the guild.
Below are our ranks.

Jarl, head of the claim, PvE administrator and architecturer of the Guard in close relations with the Thanes and deciding diplomatic relations with other guilds, alliances and kingdoms, Has experience in leadming men in war and peace. Has responsibility for the well being of the guild and all of its members and having direct dialogue with the Hersir and the officers.

Hersir, General, PvP administrator, architecturer and commander of the Guard, in close relations with the Jarl, Jarl's spirit in his absence. Has experience in battleplans, combat, strategic warfare, leading units or an army in close relations and dialogue with the Bryti, assisting the Jarl in various tasks. Has responsibility for the well being of the guild and all its members


Thane, Officer. Has vast experience in logistics and administration. Decides what and where resources/items should be. Has direct dialogue with Hersir for anything PvP related and Jarl with the foremem for anything PvE related. Usually takes command in defending and keeping the claim in the absence of the Jarl and Hersir. Has responsibility for the wellbeing of the guild and its members.

Bryti, Officer. Has vast experience in combat, training and teaching new members, in close relation with the Thanes, assisting Hersir in various tasks, leading larger units in attack or defence and can lead an army if requested by Hersir. Takes command in defending and keeping claim in close relation with the Thanes in the absence of Hersirand Jarl. Responsible for the well being of the guild and its members.

Hirdman & Foreman
Hirdman, squadleader, proves that he has leadership and teamwork abilities in training, combat and leading a unit on the battlefield or at HQ, consisting of 4 handpicked men for various tasks given by the Hersir or Bryti.
Foreman, in charge of the workforce, the Foreman is the shortest link between the workforce and the Jarl. Foremen's job is to assist the Jarl and Thanes with tasks of administration, logistics and information on the workforce's productivity.

Drengr & Hauldr
Drengr, veterans, disciplined soldiers loyal to the Guard and will do whatever is required of them whether it's PvP or PvE related, they have proven their worth to the Guard with their accomplishments in battle or at our keep, however, they do not have permission to engage in combat unless self defence with unknown individuals they may encounter.

Viking, full member, viking means part of the brotherhood, they are the backbone of the Varangian Guard, alongside the Drengr, members who carry the viking title over long periods of time, are usually part of our more casual playerbase, although will be able to progress through the ranks if they wish to advance further.

Recruits, fresh individuals, eager to contribute, they will become part of the guard, whenever the Hersir or Jarl see fit, must be able to use discord to become a full member.

Application Format

Steam Name/ID:
Time Zone:
Languages known proficiently:
Played on LIF: YES/NO
MMO played:
Why choose The Varangian Guard?:
Tell me about yourself:

You can add me here for more details:

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True Believer
Posts: 6
Joined: 28 Jun 2017, 21:44

Re: The Varangian Guard[TVG] Recruitment post!

Post by Dancealot » 12 Sep 2017, 22:33

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TVG logo.png (249.81 KiB) Viewed 2803 times

True Believer
Posts: 6
Joined: 28 Jun 2017, 21:44

Re: The Varangian Guard[TVG] Recruitment post!

Post by Dancealot » 15 Nov 2017, 20:52

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Stand up and fight.png (202.89 KiB) Viewed 2524 times

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