Styxwash wrote:I don't agree with the agressive stance here, but I can't disagree with the point of the rant. [...]
I can understand that.
However, the last requests for full patch notes (about 3-5, I am not sure) have been fully ignored, no patch notes and no answer to "why not?".
When you get a lot of work and question time dumped into your lap - as usually without forwarning - and you actually had already reserved that time for other projects for LiF, and its not the first time, then I get a bit angry .
Right Information is hard to get by.
The wiki gets wronger each patch, cause it needs constant work to keep the information current.
Questions get rarely answered.
Patch Notes the have all points covered would go a long way to keep the information avaiable. And its not that hard too, to write down things that you change.
For example:
Crops, trees and livestock growth now strictly depends on weather, which in turn depends on the season
Says nothing about how it works.
(Warning, just a guess from me:)
Crops only grow on sunny days, when it has rained at least 5 days before.
Livestock only get young when the weather is stormy, because then they will cuddle enpough
Trees only grow now, when there is rain for three days.
A few lines more, the points are known to the developers (since they wrote them), so its not hard, and suddenly you get from vague "something changed" to informed player.
I usually respect the "let them find out themselves" stance, but I don't want to figure something out the ninth time.
And since it usually becomes public knowledge when the first five people found out AND there is the way of having your own server to find it out the fast way - its just work again (For me starting my own server no needs about 20 minutes or so, when it doesn't crash on the way)
Cutting out that work with more information = more fun = more players retained.
All that, and more, condensed led to the aggressive stance.
If it happens again, it will probably happen again.