Where is the EU friendly guilds

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Zealous Believer
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Where is the EU friendly guilds

Post by Fushdk » 13 Jan 2017, 10:05

Hi there all.

I made one post about this, but discovered that it mybe was a good idea to tell what part of the world my guild are in.

So if there are more EU friendly guilds out there.

I have one, but I know we are noting beside some of the large pvp bully guilds, and alliances.

There for am I seeking more guilds there is like mine, where we can help each other.

My community/guild has always had the rule attack only if you are attacked, and we help where we can help.

So we like to see if there is an alliance out there for some like us, or if there is some other guilds like us there will like to make an alliance?

I know alot think it is more fun to be the bad guy, attack the small, I think that is to take the easy way, it is allways easy to kill or attack those that are smaller than you.
That is my opinion hehe.

Greetings Fush
I apologize for my spelling as I am dyslexic

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Zealous Believer
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Re: Where is the EU friendly guilds

Post by Lilleper1 » 04 Mar 2017, 15:34

Kunne bestemt godt være interesseret i at joine en dansk guild ;)

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Re: Where is the EU friendly guilds

Post by Schalkan » 04 Mar 2017, 16:34

hey i am and my guild is a german guild and a german ally for support and stuff


Country peace bond


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Re: Where is the EU friendly guilds

Post by Schalkan » 04 Mar 2017, 16:39

or a multilingual guild

you can go to than and ask than

(ich hoffe ihr seid mir eurer werbung nicht böse)

Zealous Believer
Posts: 47
Joined: 15 Dec 2014, 21:41

Re: Where is the EU friendly guilds

Post by Gizmaul » 05 Mar 2017, 23:35

Apply here http://www.prosperity-gaming.com/

We are mixed guild. In a strong EU alliance.

Check us out and lets chat!

Gizmaul - I taught your girlfriend that thing you like!

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