A few points of confusion.

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A few points of confusion.

Post by Mazrim13 » 17 Sep 2014, 19:33

I've been trying to find out exactly what it means when I buy LiF:YO. Does this mean that those who buy YO wont be playing the MMO? Is there an option that allows YO to access the MMO or are they one in the same? My main fear is that I'm going to buy YO on friday and not be able to access all the amazing features of the MMO.

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Re: A few points of confusion.

Post by Siegbert » 17 Sep 2014, 19:36

You understood it right, and yes there is an option to have both:


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Re: A few points of confusion.

Post by Belphegor » 17 Sep 2014, 19:53

in addition to what siegbert said, the MMO is not releasing anytime soon. you can buy :YO and later the MMO seperatly and play them both :) or you can follow that link and donate, you'll also get access to both + MMO alpha testing long before it's released

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Re: A few points of confusion.

Post by Mazrim13 » 17 Sep 2014, 21:27

So it seems like donating is the best idea, but before I start shoveling money into this amazing game a few more questions. If I donate will I be able to play the MMO regularly? I understand and expect multiple and frequent wipes and server drops and maintenance but will it be something I can still experience? Will I need to buy it at release? I assume not but you know, good question to ask. I am beyond interested in this game and I want to make sure I have access to every single one of its features as soon as possible.

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Re: A few points of confusion.

Post by Arrakis » 17 Sep 2014, 21:54

You will be able to participate in tests, that after being resumed still may happen only once or twice per week due to unstable server nodes. After that is resolved tests may go on 24/7 but we are still far from that. There also will be wipes between certain testing stages and whenever it is required. And link Siegbert provided answers your question as for the purchase - You will receive premium currency that will allow you to purchase character transfer ticket, or two, but that's not set in stone yet.

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