Issues as I find them, mostly non bug related.

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Joined: 28 Sep 2014, 18:21

Issues as I find them, mostly non bug related.

Post by Chucklefish » 28 Sep 2014, 18:51

Opening the game, it opens windowed, which is hardly going to be useful when people are already having bad FPS. Changing the option is useful only for that instance of the game, the settings for sound and video don't save.

Joining a specific server is a nightmare, the sorting has worked 3 times out of dozens trying, there are no filters and the favourites and history tabs are functionless.

In game the mouse attachment is truly irritating, the mouse deciding almost on its own if it wants to be visible after menus closing or not, unless of course you want to change settings after going into the menu, then the mouse has to be manually activated. The checkboxes for deciding whether popups are to be suppressed are pretty useless, they'll pop up again within a minute or two.

Trying to type to other players in a legible fashion is also extremely jarring, the apostrophe is keybound to opening a console that the average player certainly doesn't need on a key so often used.

Separate chat tabs also make the game more jarring, having to mess around with the mouse if I want to avoid popups and still read information like whether I have actually received anything from a skill, along with viewing other players chat. Combining these and having a more spam free method of showing attribute and skill progress would help a whole lot.

I won't judge anything to do with the crashing or graphics, they're nothing more than you can expect from an alpha. Some of the graphics are actually impressive.

The interface and interaction with it is where I sincerely hope there will be almost a full overhaul before even beta. Barely legible menus stuck onto random keybinds would be far better with a more uniform approach leading from an easily accessed and non intrusive menu, it's all very jarring right now. Hitting escape to close menus will cancel crafting progress etc, that just seems entirely unnecessary.

I don't really understand why I can't use the mouse to pan the camera in 3rd person.

Usability is more than a little awkward and I'd hate for it to get as far as many other games that provide alpha testing who leave this kind of thing untreated, it's obviously too early to judge the game for these things but they all need to be addressed fairly rapidly, unwieldy isn't fun.

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