Quality of Life improvements

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Quality of Life improvements

Post by Valo » 20 Nov 2017, 20:27

Some suggestions to improve gameplay and alleviate some stresses in the early game.

1- Allow manual selection of respawn points. This allows people to abandon a shack that is being camped by bandits, as well as to allow people first spawning in, or respawning, to pick a region they want to be in. It doesn't have to be a lot of respawn points, but generally coastal places every 3 or 4 servers should have a spawn point. A new player's first experience on Life is Feudal should NOT be having to run for literally 2 hours to meet up with their friends because they spawned at the southern coast.

2- Allow Prayer of Homecoming to travel to random spawn points if no home is claimed.

3- Nerf fishing poles by reducing their speed and increasing the stamina drain from swinging them. Damage alone doesn't necessarily need to be decreased, and could even be buffed to compensate for reduced speed bonuses. These things are basically the "meta" of beginning PvP until you get actual weapons. Even then, someone could easily take on a fully armed warrior with these - I know I have. They would not be properly weighted for combat and so it's entirely feasible that they would be unwieldy. Their range, damage and speed is just absurd.

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Re: Quality of Life improvements

Post by Hodo » 22 Nov 2017, 14:39

I can agree with all of these.

I do think you can get around the first one... abandon your home and let them kill you... you will randomly spawn somewhere else.

But the fishing pole one.. that one is an old one. I think all tools should take more durability damage when used as a weapon. They should break REALLY easily when used as a weapon.

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Re: Quality of Life improvements

Post by KeuleX » 23 Nov 2017, 22:46

Valo wrote:
3- Nerf fishing poles by reducing their speed and increasing the stamina drain from swinging them. Damage alone doesn't necessarily need to be decreased, and could even be buffed to compensate for reduced speed bonuses. These things are basically the "meta" of beginning PvP until you get actual weapons. Even then, someone could easily take on a fully armed warrior with these - I know I have. They would not be properly weighted for combat and so it's entirely feasible that they would be unwieldy. Their range, damage and speed is just absurd.

wow, i got the hilarious image of some steel plated knight running away from some insane dude swinging his fishing pole after him. benny hill music in the background

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